Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:57 United States

Most Consecutive Diabolo Stick Grind Bounces On One Handstick

this is

This Is executed 120 diabolo stick grind bounces on the same handstick.

01:32 India

Most Consecutive Golf Ball Bounces On Alternate Sides Of A Rubber Mallet While On A Rola Bola

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a golf ball 170 times on alternating sides of a rubber mallet while on a rola bola.

03:43 India

Longest Time Balancing A Computer Keyboard On Nose While Kneeling

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a computer keyboard on his nose for three minutes, 14.11 seconds. He performed the entire feat on his knees.

00:51 United States

Most Words Rhymed With "Blue" In 30 Seconds

Captain Catasrophe

Captain Catasrophe rhymed 58 words with the word “blue” in 30 seconds.

01:32 India

Most Slaps To One's Own Face In One Minute

Amit Pandey

Amit P slapped his own face 789 times in one minute.

10:48 India

Longest Time Balancing A Cup Of Tea On Chin

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced a cup of tea on his chin for eight minutes, 3.13 seconds.

01:01 India

Longest Time To Spin Two Playing Cards On Playing Cards Using A Fan

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. spun two playing cards on playing cards for 39.29 seconds using a fan.

00:17 The Internet

Highest Paper Clip Drop Into A Glass Jar

Alex Juan

Alex J. dropped a paper clip into a glass jar from a height of 190 inches.

02:05 England

Most Golf Balls Fit Inside An Inflated Balloon

Dave Atkinson

Dave A. fit 20 golf balls inside an inflated latex party balloon.

00:54 The Internet

Most Pairs Of Sunglasses On A Car Dashboard

Daniel Toocheck

Daniel T. put 101 pairs of sunglasses on a car dashboard.

16:00 The Internet

Most Clothespins Attached To Feet

Mike Montgomery

Mike M. attached 68 clothespins to his feet.

00:05 United States

Fastest Country Alphabet Starting With Every Letter Except "X"

Doron T

Doron T. named countries beginning with every letter but “X” in 5.00 seconds. He performed the feat in alphabetical order.

04:51 The Internet

Most Times Smiling While Listening To "Beat It"


Drew smiled 543 times while listening to Beat It.

01:04 Hungary

Longest Yoga Pose Held On A Moving Escalator

Lőrinc Polivka

Lőrinc P. held a yoga pose for 39.10 seconds while riding on a moving escalator.

00:27 United States

Longest Distance To Shoot A Rubber Band Using Only Hands

Marcus Gollahon

Marcus' friend, Kaden, shot a rubber band 557.5 inches (46.45 feet) using only his hands.

01:18 Australia

Most Times Touching Nose In One Minute


Demythrate touched his nose 513 times in one minute.

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