Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

03:31 Wales

Most Tennis Ball Bounces On An American Football

Mark Evans

Mark E. bounced a tennis ball 476 times off a football.

00:19 Ireland

Most Books Stood On At Once


Noah M. stood on 76 books at once.

00:32 Chile

Most Consecutive Hops With A Diabolo In 30 Seconds

Domingo Irarrazaval

Domingo I. completed 52 diabolo hops in 30 seconds.

02:41 United States

Fastest Time To Name All Songs From One Direction's "Up All Night" Deluxe Album

Sophia LeRoy

Sophia L. recited all songs from One Direction's "Up All Night" deluxe album in 5.89 seconds.

00:18 United States

Farthest Distance To Catapult A Table Tennis Ball With A Plastic Spoon And Hit A Stack Of 10 Cups

Finn Eli

Finn E. used a plastic spoon to catapult a table tennis ball a distance of 20 feet, hitting a stack of 10 cups.

00:52 Norway

Most Eye Rolls In 30 Seconds

Trygve Guntvedt

Trygve G. rolled his eyes 83 times in 30 seconds.

01:23 India

Most One-Handed Thumb Cuts In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. completed 29 one-handed thumb card cuts in one minute.

10:14 Wales

Most Bounces Of A Plastic Golf Ball On A Gift Card

Mark Evans

Mark Evans bounced a plastic golf ball on a gift card 1,744 times.

10:25 The Internet

Largest Euro Coin Pyramid

Pablo Leal

Pablo L. built a pyramid using 550 Euro coins.

02:01 Canada

Longest Time To Balance A Golf Ball On Top Of A Golf Tee On Nostril

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a golf ball on top of a golf tee on his nostril for 19.03 seconds.

00:16 United States

Most Candles Placed Around A Bathtub

Gabriel Patterson

Gabriel P. placed 50 candles around a bathtub.

03:17 Wales

Most Pennies Stacked On The Edge Of A RecordSetter Book Of World Records In One Minute

Mark Evans

Mark Evans stacked 35 pennies on the edge of his copy of the RecordSetter Book Of World Records in one minute.

02:18 United States

Most Words Written On A Pair Of Jeans

Debra Emory

Debra E. wrote 1,447 words on her jeans.

00:44 India

Most Two-Handed Thumb Cuts In 30 Seconds

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 20 two-handed thumb cuts in 30 seconds.

01:00 United States

Most Overhead Presses Of A 41-Pound Pumpkin In 30 Seconds

Clint Poore

Clint P. pressed a 41-pound pumpkin overhead 43 times in 30 seconds.

01:58 England

Most Flying Clay Pigeons Shot In A Single Round

Charlie Jacoby

Charlie J. shot 12 flying clay pigeons individually.

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