Drinking World Records

145 Records Found

01:26 The Internet

Fastest Time To Drink A 24-Ounce Can Of Beer


eeK drank a 24-ounce can of beer in 5.78 seconds. NOTE: Speed drinking can be dangerous. Please use caution when making an attempt.

02:06 United States

Fastest Time To Eat One Pound Of Habanero Salsa While Riding A Stationary Bicycle

Naader Reda

Naader Reda chugged a pound of Habanero Salsa in 53.81 seconds while riding a stationary bicycle. NOTE: Speed drinking can be dangerous. Please use caution when making an attempt.

00:35 The Internet

Fastest Time To Drink A Bottle Of Beer While Wearing A Fake Beard


Sine drank a bottle of beer in 10.50 seconds while wearing a fake beard. She is dressed in all black on a black bench with a buddy bird on her side. NOTE: Speed drinking is hazardous. Please observe precautions when attempting this record.

01:04 United States

Fastest Time To Drink A 6.5-Ounce Yoo-Hoo

Michael James

Michael James drank a 6.5-ounce carton of Yoo-hoo in 21.63 seconds. NOTE: Speed drinking can be dangerous. Please use caution when making an attempt.

01:04 New Zealand

Fastest Time To Drink A Can Of L&P


The Record Squad's The Viking drank a can of L&P in 12.84 seconds. He set the record to celebrate RecordSetter World Record Day. #WorldRecordDay2012 NOTE: Speed drinking can be dangerous. Please use caution when making an attempt.

New Zealand

Fastest Time To Drink A Can of L&P While Holding A Baby

Courteney Mayall

Courteney Mayall drank a can of L&P in 27.12 seconds while holding a baby. She set the record to celebrate RecordSetter World Record Day. #WorldRecordDay2012 NOTE: Speed drinking can be dangerous. Please use caution when making an attempt.

01:50 Canada

Fastest Time To Drink A Milkshake Through A Vuvuzela

The Record Collection

Sam Stilson of The Record Collection drank an entire milkshake (4 cups) through a vuvuzela in 59.21 seconds.

00:52 United States

Most Sippy Cups Sipped From While Riding In A Swing

Silas Good

Silas Good drank from seven different sippy cups while swinging.

01:34 The Internet

Most Native Languages Represented In A Group "Cheers!"

David Ross

David Ross and 13 of his students all said, “Cheers!” in their native languages after an English language class. The nationalities/phrases represented: USA -Cheers South Korea -Kombei Italian -Salute Spain -Salud Uruguay - Salud Pakistan -Salam Bulgaria -Nas Drave Afghanistan -Salam Ukraine -Bootmouv Peru -Salud Republic of Georgia -Kamachov Turkey -Sherefe Japan -Kampai Colombia -Salud #RecordSetterBook01

06:50 United States

Most Full Cans Of Cola Drank Through A Funnel In 90 Seconds

Jenna Yellenik

Jenna “Cookie” Yellenik drank two full cans of cola through a funnel in 90 Seconds. She performed the feat live on-air in the Star 100.7 studio.


Fastest Time To Drink A 5-Ounce Bottle Of Tabasco Sauce

Kelly Young

Kelly Young drank five ounces of Tabasco sauce in 54.20 seconds. The record was set at Do512’s World Record Party, held at The Highball[] in Austin, Texas on August 27, 2010. NOTE: Speed drinking can be dangerous. #WRP01

00:55 United States

Most Vitamins Taken In One Minute While Drinking Sweet Tea And Listening To Earl Sweatshirt

Mark H

Mark Hafner took seven vitamin pills in one minute while drinking sweet tea[] and listening to Earl Sweatshirt. NOTE: Vitamins and supplements can be dangerous; please use caution when attempting this record.

00:20 The Internet

Fastest Time To Drink A Mountain Dew Code Red

Jac Robs

Jac Robs drank a 12-ounce can of Mountain Dew Code Red in 8.37 seconds. NOTE: Speed drinking can be dangerous. Please use caution when making an attempt.

Tallest Person To Drink Lemonade Through A Pool Noodle

Eric Schmidt

Eric Schmidt, six feet and six inches tall (78 inches), drank a lemonade through a pool noodle. He set the record at a RecordSetter LIVE! event held at Joe’s Pub[] in New York City. The event was a fundraiser for the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research[]. [#RSLIVE22][]


Most Connected Straws Used To Drink Hot Chocolate

Dyuthi Khanna

Dyuthi Khanna drank hot chocolate through 12 straws connected together to form one extra-long straw. She accomplished this feat at Stevenson High School’s Operation Snowball in March 2011.

01:02 Canada

Fastest Consumption Of A 540-Ml Can Of Maple Syrup

David Raymond

DavidRaymond drank a 540-milliliter can of pure maple syrup in 23.28 seconds. NOTE: Speed drinking can be dangerous. Please use caution and have adult supervision on hand.

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