Computer World Records

107 Records Found

04:16 United States

Most Times To Unfollow Someone On Twitter In 30 Seconds

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. unfollowed someone on Twitter 48 times in 30 seconds.

00:40 India

Most Computer Desktop Refreshes In 30 Seconds


Rahil S. refreshed his computer desktop 58 times in 30 seconds.

00:40 The Internet

Longest OoVoo Video Chat

Joshua Williams

Joshua W. talked to Ally on OoVoo for 115 hours, a total time of four days.

00:19 Brazil

Longest Windows 8 Uptime

Luiz Fernando

Luiz's computer had a Windows 8 uptime of 583 days, 18 hours, 3 minutes.

00:50 The Internet

Fastest Time For Four People To Name 24 Adult Websites [ADULT]

Justin Davis

Jon Satudt, Justin Davis, Danielle Barrett, and Mary S. collectively named 24 adult websites in 12.30 seconds. This record contains adult language.

00:04 United States

Fastest Time To Create An Isometric Cube Using Microsoft Word


Thomas McGinniss created an isometric cube in Microsoft Word in .81 seconds.

00:23 United States

Fastest Time To Log In To Gmail

Caleb Stultz

Caleb Stultz logged into his Gmail account in 1.48 seconds.

00:5 Canada

Fastest Time To Publish A Document To A Website

Tim Kloske

Tim Kloske created, saved and published a document to a website in 4.38 seconds.

00:43 United States

Longest Time To Watch "Amazing Horse" While Working

Corey Henderson

Corey Henderson continued working his job as CTO of RecordSetter while watching Amazing Horse non-stop for one hour, 31 minutes and 43 seconds.

01:10 United States

Largest Group Simultaneously Googling The Same Thing

iD Tech Camps Arizona State University

A total of 16 students from iD Tech Camps Arizona State University simultaneously searched for “ID Tech” on Google.

00:21 Canada

Largest Group Cheering On A Computer Progress Bar


672 students and staff of LCI Lethbridge cheered at once while watching a computer bar inch forward.

00:36 United States

Most Computer Resource Specialists Doing The Wave

Virginia Beach City Public Schools Computer Resource Specialists

106 computer resource specialists performed the wave for 30 seconds. The group consisted of computer resource specialists from Virginia Beach City Public Schools.

00:34 United States

Most People Partying At Once With Headphones On In Front Of Computer Screens

iD Tech Macalester

36 students from iD Tech Camps at Macalester College partied with their headphones on in front of their computer screens.

00:27 United States

Most Viruses On A Computer

Joharren Stewart

Joharren S. has 611,840 viruses on his computer.

01:43 The Internet

Most Trivial Pursuit 90's Edition "Wired" Questions Answered Correctly In One Minute

Jeff Rubin

Jeff Rubin answered 15 Trivial Pursuit 90’s Edition “Wired” questions correctly in one minute. For a limited time, Rubin and his employer College Humor will donate $100 to charity in the name of anyone who can beat this record.

00:05 Australia

Highest Score On "InkBall"

Peter Haridas

Peter H. scored 5,224,375 points in a single game of InkBall.

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