Record Broken!

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Most Whistle Blows In 30 Seconds

United States

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Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States / April 19, 2011

Dave Betten blew a whistle 71 times in 30 seconds.

- there must be a distinct, audible pause between each whistle tweet
- may blow any type of whistle


Tags: mostspeedblowingwhistle

  • The Internet we become

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  • United States Scott

    video doesn't play >.

  • United States Barfy Flapjacks

    Thanks, Dave! You earned the patch, for sure.

  • United States DaveyBets

    I don't really care, I just want a patch for being the first to beat the original record holder! The record is yours my friend.

  • United States Alex Cunningham

    Big props to the URDB people for counting all those blows!

  • United States Barfy Flapjacks

    I'll withhold my rebuttal until my attempt has been verified. In the meantime, Dave, allow me to invite you to create a "selective hearing" record for which you seem predisposed.

  • United States DaveyBets

    Thanks Thomas! However once more it looks like I've been bested by Steven, although I have a hard time hearing any distinct, audible pause between his tweets. Well, maybe that one time in the middle there.

  • United States tmcginniss

    Well Dave, it was a long and tiresome battle, but it appears you came out on top. Congrats!

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