
Record Broken!

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Most Tennis Balls Balanced On Head Of A Tennis Racquet

United States


New York City, New York, United States / August 25, 2014

Chris B. balanced 38 tennis balls on the head of a tennis racquet.

He set the record as part of "Legend Setter", an interactive competition hosted by Heineken during the 2014 US Open for fans to participate in their own off-the-court challenges. RecordSetter Co-founders Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present to adjudicate the attempt.

- must attempt record with a regulation tennis ball and racquet
- no assistance from others permitted
- racquet must be held by handle with one hand for duration of attempt
- must stand for duration of attempt
- all balls must remain balanced on racquet for at least three seconds in order for attempt to be counted
- attempt stops immediately if any balls fall off the racquet head


Tags: mostbalancingbalanceheadtennis balltennisracquetHeinekenOpen

  • The Internet Gilad Baer

    Today I had a tennis practice and when we were collecting the balls back in the end of the lesson I stacked exactly 50 balls on my racket. You might not believe me because I don’t have an image of it, but I hope you will understand that I am not lying.

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