Tallest Soda Can Tower Balanced On Fingertip




Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India / June 13, 2015

Suresh Gaur balanced 12 soda cans on his left index finger.


- must use 12-fluid ounce cans
- cans must be empty
- must balance cans on tip of a single finger
- must observe RecordSetter balancing criteria
- cans must be balanced for at least ten seconds
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence



Tags: wildcardstackingtowerfingerindex fingercansodasoda canleft

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Awesome video, Suresh. Question for all: can we change this record to "Tallest Soda Can Tower Balanced on Finger"? Just trying to simplify a bit.

    • India Suresh Gaur

      Thank a lot DAN ROLLMAN Sir and to All whom liked my this Act.I am feeling great pleasure for my better performance.For simplify the Title you can change "Finger" at the place of "Left Index Finger". Sir, I have a little request If possible can we change in RULES "cans must be balanced for at least two seconds" ten seconds in place of two seconds for strengthen my this World Record. Thanks and Regards,

    • Canada Dan Rollman

      Changes have been made. Changed to "Fingertip" and addressed rules: https://recordsetter.com/world-record/tallest-soda-can-tower-balanced-left-index-finger/?flush=true

    • India Suresh Gaur

      Thank You So Much Again Sir.

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