Attempt Failed!

See Current

Smallest Origami Paper Crane

The Internet

El Paso, Texas, United States / April 16, 2011

FAILED: Does not beat the current record.

- must use traditional folding technique
- must unfold and measure paper on video


Tags: artsmallestorigamifoldingpaper crane

  • Canada Darryl Learie

    I concur, Rob, I believe I brought up this issue in chat yesterday, still my congrats to Angel U (4 mm is hella impressive). If its not legit than I'm happy to loose this record. :D

  • United States Rob Birdsong

    I'm in favor of DENYING all attempts until we see something smaller than 1mm.

  • Canada Darryl Learie

    4 mm - That is amazing! And I know 12 mm is hard, my God, it's thoose 2 folds that make the nose, and tail. I am amazed you pulled this off. :D You have my Congratulations on a job well done. :D

  • Canada Darryl Learie

    Yes, I saw that, and found out that the world's smallest is 1 mm by 1 mm made by a needle, and a microscope - hmmm, maybe there can be a new record category by smallest crane made with-out any tools or aids?

  • The Internet Hope Wilkinson

    theres another person with a smaller paper crane on here. Hers was 7.5 mm or something

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