Fastest Time To Set Up A Chess Board

The Internet


Winter Park, Florida, United States / May 16, 2024

Robert Richardson set up a chess board in 15.25 seconds.

- must have chess pieces in a container at the beginning of attempt
- must dump the pieces in a random pile on the chess board
- time begins upon holding the first piece to be arranged
- time ends when all the pieces are standing within the appropriate square pieces
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: wildcardfastestboard gamechessset up

  • The Internet basilsegment

    google --- BBCODE --- [URL=]google[/URL] [url=]google[/url] --- RARE --- [link=]google[/link] [link name=google][/link] (( (( google)) [ google] [[ google]] [L=google][/L] "google": google

  • The Internet Casimir Kash

    I beat this easily. Did it in 25 seconds.

  • The Internet Quintin Tyler

    This was one of the coolest things I have seen. I am going to attempt to break this record for a school project. I am in 8th grade.

  • The Internet Matthew Allen

    This is underrated to the Max... this record is very cool. No joke, I thought about making this a record recently before viewing this. Ace stuff.

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