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Fastest Recitation Of The First Verse Of "Ice Ice Baby"

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Fort Myers, Florida, United States / November 24, 2012

Margaret B. recited the first verse of Ice Ice Baby in 28.85 seconds.

- must recite entire verse correctly
- must observe RecordSetter fast speech criteria


Tags: wildcardfastestmusicverbalsongsingingrappingrecitationIce Ice Baby

  • United States Nick Cassidy

    the last record by Andrico Nicholas Zacharia cant be audibly heard, this is a faker.

  • The Internet Allaura

    I thought u were great I don't think I could ever go that fast😊

  • South Africa ZAZ

    Dear Nick,

    RecordSetter is all about having fun, and they believe everyone can be the world's best at something. Their mission is to raise the bar of human achievement through world records.

    In order to give everybody a fair chance to hold such a record, simple rules must be abided to.

    When attempting a RecordSetter world record, all the rules must be followed in order for the submission to count.

    Just to clear your memory, the rules are as follows: - must recite entire verse correctly - must observe RecordSetter fast speech criteria --- must submit video evidence - must show evidence of time on video - must pronounce whole word or phrase clearly, without skipping syllables, so it can be understood by all viewers

    In order for the attempt to be valid, and set as a new record, these rules must be followed.

    A simple Google search of the lyrics to this song will clearly show that the first 2 lines of the song are as follows:

    "Ice Ice Baby Ice Ice Baby"

    There are multiple websites indicating this and this is what is said in the original song by Vanilla Ice, and what was originally said in the first record attempt of this specific record.

    There are also multiple other faults in the attempt where complete words have been left out.

    Here are a few examples of the parts you left out: Line 1: Ice Ice Baby Will it ever stop? Yo – I don't know Deadly, when Dance, Go rush the speaker that booms You better hit bull's eye, The kid don't play

    These are just a few of the faults in this attempt, as well as the low quality of video not allowing for better judging of what is said.

    Aside from this, if this is such and 'unworthy record that really has no meaning' then why are you bothering to have the record anyway?

    I understand that you may be new to RecordSetter, and I encourage to make record attempts many times until you get it right.

    As you can see I have indeed beaten my record 3 times already, and been the official holder for 2 years.

    If you compare my video to yours, and the lyrics to yours. And then that all to the original video. Yours is extremely different.

    Considering that you mention you can beat your attempt again. Why didn't you just give it your best shot already?

    If you reckon you can hold it for a longer amount of time, then redo the video, with the correct lyrics and a better camera. And then you can say that you have a legitimate attempt that was accepted as the real deal.

    I urge RecordSetter to look into this and resolve this matter in their own way.

    Kindest regards, Andrico

  • South Africa ZAZ

    Hello. I personally would like to vouch the legitimacy of this record actually being clear.

    As clearly stated in the rules, participants must recite the verse without leaving out any words or syllables.

    In the beginning, the first 2 lines of the song are as follows:

    "Ice Ice Baby Ice Ice Baby"

    In this record attempt, this first line of the lyrics was left out and only said once, due to this. It gives the contender strong advantage to attain for the lost 0.03 second advantage that he has in this video.

    I also do not believe that the quality of this video was high enough to be heard clearly and not all syllables could be heard clearly.

    I am up for a challenge and accept the fact that Nick may be a legitimate contender with a strong chance of holding the record, however, I do not approve personally of this record submissions. I kindly ask that RecordSetter review their selection of the attempt, and that Nick would perhaps try again with the full lyrics and clearer pronunciation of the lyrics.

    Best regards, Andrico

  • South Africa ZAZ

    I got 26.3 the first try, but mispronounced one word :( Will upload soon.!

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