Longest Plank Exercise With Arms Extended While Carrying 100 Pounds On Back


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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada / December 23, 2011

Darryl Learie performed a [plank exercise][1] with his arms fully extended while carrying 100 pounds of additional weight on his back. He remained balanced in position for two minutes, 32.07 seconds. [1]: http://exercise.about.com/od/abs/ss/abexercises_10.htm

- must perform plank on concrete or cement floor
- one sheet of sand paper taped to floor is allowed for stability
- arms must remain fully extended throughout attempt
- must provide video evidence
- must observe RecordSetter balancing criteria for weights


Tags: longestexercisestrengthweightarmplanking

  • Philippines MaAnn P.

    Darryl, I couldn't say anything but all praises to you. You continue to push yourself to the limit and get better and better with each records u hold. You are a true inspiration to everyone

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