Record Broken!

See Current

Most Pets In A Workplace In One Day

United States

1 like

St. Louis, Missouri, United States / June 26, 2015

Purina employees brought a total of 281 pets to their workplace at the Purina headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri on June 26, 2015.

They set the record in celebration of "Take Your Dog To Work" Day as part of the company's Pet At Work Movement.

- participants may bring more than one pet
- attempt may be done in more than one location
- participants must attempt record on the same day
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostanimalspetworkworkplacePurina

  • United States Johny Quid

    Good afternoon! I think it's great when people take care of animals. I worked for a while as a volunteer at a shelter for homeless animals. This gives you an unforgettable experience and emotions. You get very attached to them. However, I found cash in hand work Birmingham, and this offer was the most acceptable for me. So I had to say goodbye to the pets I was so used to. Choose a job you like, not for the money!

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