
Record Broken!

See Current

Most One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Push-Ups On An Incline In One Minute


Reims, Champagne Ardenne, France / April 8, 2013

Guillaume B. completed 32 back-of-hand push-ups on an incline using one arm in one minute.

- pack must be weighed by officials in advance
- arms must lock at peak of push-ups and elbows must be fully bent at base of push-ups
- partially completed push-ups deducted from final tally
- must observe RecordSetter push-up criteria
- feet must be at least 24 inches off ground


Tags: mostsportsexercisefitnesspush-upphysicalBack of Hand

  • Canada Darryl Learie

    Your a true inspiration Shaun McDaniel - thank-you for the e-mails, and sharing your stories of such fierce conviction against adversity and pain - keep Rockin' Shaun - I see a fantastic record breaker future ahaed of you, your friend, darryl.

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