Fastest Time To Make 200 Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwiches

The Internet


Evans, Georgia, United States / February 29, 2012

Justin Epps and his friends made 200 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in two minutes, 52.0 seconds.

- sandwiches must consist of two pieces of bread, peanut butter and jelly
- must provide video evidence


Tags: fastestfoodspeedsandwichpeanut butterjelly

  • Brazil Lavanderia na Lata

    Fazer 200 sanduíches de manteiga de amendoim e geléia rapidamente requer organização e eficiência.

  • The Internet Erica Steen

    I hope they didn't donate the sandwiches. I didn't see a glove or a hairnet in the place. Yuck. Watch out, we're going to try to beat the sandwich making record in a couple of weeks!

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Did you guys eat all these or donate them?

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