Record Broken!

See Current

Longest L-Sit Hold On A Bar



Cairo, Egypt / August 21, 2016

Youssef H. performed an L-sit hold on a bar for 38.15 seconds.

- must use a straight bar
- legs must be kept straight for duration of attempt
- elbows must be locked
- legs must be parallel to the ground
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: longestsportsexercisefitnessholdbarL sit

  • The Internet Cove Rasmussen

    I broke it but can’t figure out how to post my video

  • United States Helen Nior

    Wow, this young girl has done a fantastic job by doing most Cartwheels in just ten seconds which is probably a world record. She has done more than expectations because she is very young at the moment. It will be very difficult for someone to break his record. Now I will visit edu birdie source where I will read authentic reviews about writers who assist in essay writing assignments.

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