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Most Five-Ring Juggling Flashes In 15 Seconds

United States


Springfield, Illinois, United States / March 1, 2012

Brian Pankey completed five five-ring flashes in 15 seconds while juggling. He completed a total of six flashes but the last attempt did not fall inside the 15-second mark.

- must use five juggling rings
- rings must be 13 inches in diameter
- must juggle in a cascade pattern
- flashes must be consecutive; no drops allowed
- must flash the rings one time
- must catch all the rings for the flash to count
- must stop after every flash
- flashes must be completed within the time frame; incomplete moves will be deducted from the final total
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostflashingjuggling ring

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  • United States Edgar Michael

    Wow, that's impressive! I can’t even imagine keeping five rings in the air, let alone flashing them that quickly. Juggling is such a crazy skill, especially at that level. How long did it take you to get to that point? retro bowl

  • United States Rose Black

    That's incredibly impressive! Jack the Juggler's ability to Agario complete eight five-ring juggling flashes in just 15 seconds showcases extraordinary skill and precision.

  • United States Edgar Michael

    Wow, that's impressive! How many rings did the person manage to flash in that time? Must take some serious skill and precision to pull off five rings in such a short window. retro bowl

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