Longest Fan Letter



Helsinki, Finland / December 29, 2011

Jaana A. and other fans from 30 countries around the world wrote a fan letter to Jedward measuring 400 meters in length.

- must use full A4 pages to create letter
- all pages must attached lengthwise
- each page must feature words and/or images directed to a noted individual or group
- blank pages not permitted
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: longestletterfancelebrityJedward

  • The Internet qeNtfPNC


  • Finland Jaana A

    Others would use a lot and more time, I used three months and this would be longer and fans could take a part of this but we wrote the letter in 2011 and it is a point. Well, this is the longest fanletter of 2011. Someone can break it if his/her/their letter is longer and made in 2011.

  • United States Emily Patricia

    Agree with Pete. The year shouldn't matter so that others can attempt to break this.

  • Australia Peter Craig

    I don't understand the 2011 criteria? Kind of makes it a sea and unbreakable record?

  • The Internet Angi Schilling

    OMG !YES WE GOT IT !!Just for John

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