Most Ear-Ring Flips In One Minute While Juggling Three Rings

United States



Brooklyn, New York, United States / January 13, 2013

Michael Karas performed 46 ear-ring flips in one minute while juggling three rings.


- flipping ring must always stop momentarily on ear before being flipped back
- must juggle three standard juggling rings for duration of attempt
- must provide video evidence



Tags: mostjugglingflippingringearear-ring

  • United States PeteM

    I think Luke Burrage and the late Luke Wilson both claim to have invented the ear ring flip around the same time.

  • United States Tony Duncan

    great. Isn't this a fun motivator? I doubt Michael invented the ear ring flip, I have seen many others do it, but not sure I have seen anyone do this particular trick

    • The Internet natishs9

      I enjoyed reading your post and found it to be informative and to the topic. Thank you for not rambling on and on just to fill the page. website

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Michael, this is super cool. Did you invent the ear ring flip?

    • United States Michael Karas

      I also would have said that Luke Burrage invented it as a novelty, Komei Aoki developed it as a style.

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