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Most Consecutive Basketball Shots In 30 Seconds While Juggling Three Basketballs

United States

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Springfield, Illinois, United States / November 20, 2010

Brian Pankey completed six consecutive basketball shots in 30 seconds while juggling three basketballs.

- must use regulation-sized basketballs
- must use regulation height basket
- timing begins with start of juggling
- must start juggling balls before taking first shot
- only shots taken within 30 second time limit are counted
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: jugglingbasketballspeed

  • United States David Klausa

    Not saying this isn't great, or that I'm the one to beat it, but there is plenty of room for improvement here: 1. Consistently shooting every third ball. 2. Swooshing every shot.

  • United States Audi T

    I like the creativity and enthusiasm in all your records Brian. I think Unihoops might have taken 15 shots (and made them) in 20 seconds on his continuous makes video. That run was tough to beat.

  • United States asdfghjklzxcvbnm

    Nice category!

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