
Record Broken!

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Fastest Time To Complete Emerald Hill Zone, Act One In "Sonic The Hedgehog 2" (PS3)

United States

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Gary, Indiana, United States / July 23, 2015

Jaggar P. completed Sonic the Hedgehog 2’s Emerald Hill Zone, Act One in 18.00 seconds.

- must observe RecordSetter video game criteria
- must provide video evidence


Tags: fastestgaminggamevideo gameSonic the Hedgehog

  • The Internet Moamed Yehia

    Wow! Breaking records like this in classic games such as Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is truly impressive. Completing Emerald Hill Zone in such a fast time shows incredible skill and precision. For fans of retro games and iconic characters, you might also want to check out for some amazing collectibles that bring your favorite characters to life!

  • The Internet Mr WAHOO

    I got 21 seconds with sonic only in the first zone and my route was to make sure i double spindash before the timer started then hit the spring,after that i had hit the speed box which was the only way i could get the time i did. I had to carefully do a short jump otherwise i would take a few seconds to hit the ground then run at full speed before shooting off the two springs. Finally i ran through the two loops and when i started going around i jumped saving a few miliseconds off my record

  • The Internet Charles Laux

    My fastest time was 21 seconds, but that was on the mobile port, so the controls are defferent.

  • The Internet Michael

    I got 20 on original console

  • United States RealSonicKings

    World record without Tas is currently 18 seconds I'm not sure what the world record is with tas although both are skillfull I consider the non tas record the true record

  • United States Zero Play

    Way to go

  • The Internet Jennifer Kane


  • The Internet Clayton Reed

    Wow I didn't know anybody else used the same rout I did. I was sure I had the fastest but I guess we tie. Well met.

  • The Internet George Kepnick

    Nice work on the new record.

  • The Internet Vince Kerridge

    24 seconds is the best I've managed so far

  • The Internet George Kepnick

    I used to do this every day after school vs a friend. I have a photo somewhere of 13 seconds, then 11. I think the best I ever did was 9. We played literally 10's of thousands of rounds. This was in 1995 so I did not have the luxury of recording it. I may need to try and beat these weak ass records once again.

    • The Internet JamesTiberius

      No you don't have photos of those times. The established real-time record of this is 19s, with tool assisting (Emulator slowdown and frame-by frame advance) it can be done in 17 at the very lowest. Lower than that is not physically possible within the mechanics of the game. Boasting is fine but please check your facts and don't make them too ridiculous.

    • Canada Dan Rollman

      James, can you link to a faster attempt? We strive for accuracy, and don't want to call something a world record if there's evidence out there of a faster run.

    • The Internet George Kepnick

      I went through all my boxes of photos trying to find the pictures of the times I had with no luck. I guess I will need to go through my negatives next. I picked up the game for the xbox360 and started to go at it. I was breaking 27seconds but still crappy at it. Between this and the new video it seems like I was off by 10 seconds. It was probably 23 then 21 and then 19. The run that Johnny Vicious had was basically the same exact way I used to do it, even holding the controls for the launch. He can bounce at the end one last time though and shave off more time. I only did my best run one time and on it I remember being airborne crossing the finish line. I am planning to pick up a genesis and make a go at it.

  • The Internet travis bartlett

    i got 27 seconds :D

  • The Internet Joshua Haslam

    The clock seems to match up though right?

  • United States Michael Sroka

    There is no sound from the actual game play, The song should speed up when he gets the "fast shoes". Most likey used a emulator with save states.

  • The Internet Will Pridmore

    This isn't a record: http://speeddemosarchive.com/Sonic2.html#IL

    That site has a recording of an attempt that was 9 seconds faster. I request that this record be struck off.

  • Canada Darryl Learie

    Good job - well done

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