Most Academy Award-Winning Best Picture Films Named In 30 Seconds


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Toronto, Ontario, Canada / August 15, 2013

Billie S. named 52 films that won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 30 seconds


- must say entire name of film
- film must be an Academy Award winner for "Best Picture"
- may read from a list
- must provide video evidence



Tags: mostspeechnamingmoviefilmentertainmentAcademy AwardsBest Picture

  • United States Simon Kirk

    You rock. Then I will try and beat it like only Michael Jackson would.

  • England Jason Parmar

    I completely agree, it was too easy. I'll do a memorised list and re-upload this weekend.

    Thanks for your comments.

  • United States Simon Kirk

    Agree with Dan. Jason - you can do better. I challenge you to do a re-do and stretch yourself. This was too easy. Then the rules should be adjusted.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Nice work, Jason. Suggestion: I think this category will ultimately become more interesting if we add the rule that "movies must be named from memory." Would you try again but with your eyes closed/blindfolded? Otherwise it just becomes a speed reading challenge.

    • Nepal Kshitij Lohani

      You wish - my command. Please Check, :)

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