Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:24 Australia

Most Dice Banked Into A Cup In Five Seconds

Marcus Brims

Marcus B. banked eight dice into a cup in five seconds.

00:15 Australia

Most Hops In 10 Seconds

Jordan Lambiris

Jordan L. hopped 62 times in 10 seconds.

01:12 The Internet

Fastest Time To Crush Five Flashlights With Teeth

Titano Oddfellow

Titano Oddfellow crushed five flashlights with his teeth in 31.44 seconds. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

03:05 Israel

Tallest Poker Chip Tower Stacked On Back Of Hand In One Minute

Deleted User

(Deleted User) stacked 45 poker chips in a tower on the back of his hand in one minute.

02:00 Australia

Most Wii Game Cases Balanced On One Finger


WoofDeadBang balanced 25 Wii game cases on one finger.

00:39 United States

Longest One-Armed Plank While Juggling Two Four-Pound Balls

Nate Tower

Nate T. performed a one-armed plank for 33.53 seconds while juggling two four-pound balls.

01:00 The Internet

Longest Time Freestyle Spinning Poi While Balancing On A Slackline

Dan TheMan

Dan The Man performed freestyle poi spinning for 44.03 seconds while balancing on a slackline.

00:44 United States

Most Students Taking Selfies In A Library

Tracy Bottiglieri

School Principal Joan Benz led 58 students from Churchill High School in Potomac, Maryland to simultaneously take selfies in a library. They set the record in recognition of National Book Month.

02:13 United States

Most Consecutive Grapevine Ice Skating Tricks Performed

Seth Magee

Seth M. performed 51 consecutive Grapevine ice skating tricks.

00:52 United States

Largest Human United Methodist Cross And Flame Symbol

ACCYM Senior High Assembly

173 attendees at the ACCYM Senior High Assembly formed a human United Methodist Cross And Flame symbol.

03:43 Italy

Most AA Batteries Held In 30 Seconds

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter placed 48 AA batteries in his hand in 30 seconds.

00:44 India

Longest Peacock Pose Held On Fingers

Gyaneshwar Shankushal

Gyaneshwar S. held a peacock pose on his fingers for 43.88 seconds.

00:19 United States

Fastest Recitation Of All 50 US States While Lying Upside Down

Doron T

Doron T. recited all 50 US States in 19.32 seconds while lying upside down.

05:18 Canada

Longest Time Balancing Canadian Flag On Forehead And On Chin In A Barber Shop

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a Canadian Flag on his forehead and on his chin for four minutes, 4.43 seconds. He set the record inside a barber shop.

05:21 Canada

Farthest Distance To Shoot A Hockey Puck Into A Net Using A .22-Caliber Rifle

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman shot a hockey puck into a net from 60 yards away using a .22-caliber rifle. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors

32:41 Wales

Longest Time Balancing An Egg On A Football Held In Hand

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced an egg on a football held in his hand for 31 minutes, 15.96 seconds.

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