Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:32 United States

Most Two-Handed Eisenhower Dollar Coin Rolls In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 17 two-handed Eisenhower dollar coin rolls in 30 seconds.

01:02 United States

Most RecordSetter World Records Set In A Pizza Restaurant In One Day

Clint Poore

Led by Clint Poore, five RecordSetter world records were set in a pizza restaurant on November 2, 2012. The records were set during Majors Pizza Customer Appreciation Day in Albany, Kentucky.

01:08 India

Farthest Distance Hopped Backwards On One Foot While Carrying A 90-Kilogram Weight In Mouth

Montystar Agarawal

Montystar A. hopped backwards on one foot for 10 meters while carrying a 90-kilogram weight in his mouth.

05:57 Bulgaria

Most Deep Squats In Five Minutes

Radi Milev “65 years old”

Radi M. completed 332 deep squats in five minutes. Read more about the feat here.

00:50 Japan

Most One-Handed Curls With A Spinning Plate On Top Of A Stick In 30 Seconds


JugglerMasayan completed 15 consecutive one-handed curls with a spinning plate on top of a stick in 30 seconds.

06:01 India

Tallest Coin Tower Stacked With Right Hand In One Minute


Shripad V. stacked 72 coins in one minute using his right hand.

00:44 United States

Most Eggs Broken Over Another Person's Head In 15 Seconds

My Damn Channel

My Damn Channel host Trish Nelson broke 15 eggs over Beth Hoyt's head in 15 seconds.

00:19 United States

Fastest Time To Name 10 Paramore Songs

Vito O.

Viktor O. named 10 Paramore songs in 3.67 seconds.

03:05 Australia

Longest Time Balancing A Spoon On Fingertip


Brendan Kelbie balanced a spoon on his fingertip for two minutes, 31.97 seconds.

00:09 India

Fastest Time To Walk In A Circle On Knees While Holding A Lotus Pose

shubham Potdar

Shubham P. walked in a circle on his knees in 2.06 seconds while holding a lotus pose.

00:54 England

Most Straddle Jumps On A Trampoline In 50 Seconds

Olivia Ashton

Olivia A. performed 50 straddle jumps on a trampoline in 50 seconds.

11:46 Canada

Most Body Parts On Which To Balance 12 Golf Balls On Top Of A Pole

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced 12 golf balls on top of a pole on ten body parts: his forehead, nose, chin, right ear, left thumb, right thumb, back of left hand, back of right hand, left wrist, and right wrist. This is McManaman's 1000th world record. Charlie Weeks of Oxford Journal, Ron Bickle of 107.9 FM, Carl Mcmanaman, Johnathan Macinnis of CTV News, Duncan Carter, and Trevor Gaillard were present to witness the attempt. News story here.

02:08 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Fender Bass Guitar On Chin

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a Fender four-string bass guitar on his chin for one minute, 23.60 seconds.

26:08 Canada

Most Non-Surgical Staples Stapled To One's Body

Christopher Campbell

FenyxFyre had 536 non-surgical staples stapled to his body. He set the record during the opening ceremonies of London Comic Con in Ontario, Canada. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

02:02 The Internet

Most Dum Dums Stabbed Into A Lemon In One Minute

Coty Lunn

Coty L. stabbed 20 Dum Dums into a lemon in one minute.

02:03 United States

Fastest Time To Eat One Kilogram Of Bananas

John Rivera

John R. ate one kilogram of bananas in one minute, 2.36 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

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