Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

02:23 Wales

Farthest Distance To Hit An Onion Using A Banana

Mark Evans

Mark Evans hit an onion 694 inches (57.83 feet) using a banana.

06:23 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Sword On Forehead

Jay Braggart

Jay B. balanced a sword on his head for six minutes, 1.32 seconds. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:48 India

Tallest Starburst Candy Tower Stacked In Hand

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur built a Starburst tower on his hand 14 pieces in height.

00:06 Canada

Most Hand Puppets In A Public Library To Say "I Love The Library!" At Once


50 people with hand puppets from Strathmore Municipal Library said "I love the library" at once.

01:06 The Internet

Fastest Time To Perform A Three-Phase Ambitious Card Routine With Surprise Ending

Aaron Baca

Aaron B. completed a three-phased Ambitious card routine in 21.61 seconds. Phases of the routine: Phase 1 - Place into center, card jumps to top. Phase 2 - Repeat phase 1. Phase 3 - Cut into deck faced up, leave sticking out, push card in, it jumps to mouth.

00:10 India

Most Times To Write "Thank You" In A Thank You Note

Priyanka Gulshan

Priyanka G. wrote "Thank you" 2,301 times in a single thank you note.

00:32 Chile

Most Diabolo Catches In 30 Seconds

Domingo Irarrazaval

Domingo I. caught a diabolo 53 times in 30 seconds.

00:09 England

Most Kitchen Spoons Juggled

Ewan Clementson

Ewan Clementson juggled five kitchen spoons.

32:31 Australia

Longest Time Balancing A Broom On Thumb Of Non-Dominant Hand While Lying On Back

Stephen Robertson

Stephen R. balanced a broom on the thumb of his non-dominant hand while laying on his back for 31 minutes, 50.00 seconds.

03:40 Sweden

Largest Energy Drink Can Collection

Herbert Thiele

Herbert T. has a collection of 501 energy drink cans.

00:7 Poland

Longest Time To Spin A Pen

Jakub Piatek

Jakub P. spun a pen for 4.09 seconds.

00:59 Singapore

Longest Handstand On A Dictionary

Junkai Liow

Junkai L. performed a handstand on a dictionary for 58.69 seconds.

01:22 The Internet

Most Spinning Pillow Throws In One Minute

Brian Walker

Brian Walker threw a spinning pillow in the air 30 times in one minute.

01:19 United States

Most Hand Balance Single Spin Flips With A Juggling Club In One Minute

Richard Kohut

Richard Kohut performed 45 hand balance single spin flips with a juggling club in one minute.

00:51 United States

Fastest Time To Stack Ten 50-Pound Bags Of Wheat

Clint Poore

Clint Poore stacked ten 50-pound bags of wheat in 35.38 seconds.

02:02 Canada

Longest Two-Thumb Plank On Two Nails While Holding Two Burning Candles In Each Hand

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed a two-thumb plank on two nails while holding a burning candles in each hand. He remained balanced in position for 3.70 seconds. NOTE: This record can be dangerous. Please use caution when making an attempt.

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