Most People Complimented In 30 Seconds
Anthony Jeselnik complimented 13 strangers in 30 seconds. Jeselnick set the record on October 2, 2009 in New York City during the... (more)
Aug 11 AnthonyJeselnik 7 comments
Longest Juggling Nine-Ball Ultimate Passing Pattern
Nick Civitello and Justin Sheldon juggled nine balls using the ultimate passing pattern for 4.41 seconds.
Oct 12 NickCivitello
Fastest Time To Run Five Laps Around Two Passing Jugglers
Nadine Civitello completed five laps around two passing jugglers in 21.22 seconds.
Oct 12 NadineCivitello 3 comments
Fastest Time To Run Five Laps Around Two Passing Jugglers
Alex Koren completed five laps around two passing jugglers in 15.66 seconds.
Nov 24 AlexKoren 3 comments
Fastest Time To Run Five Laps Around Two Passing Jugglers
Nadine Civitello completed five laps around two passing jugglers in 21.22 seconds.
Jul 06 ChrisLovdal 3 comments
Fastest Time To Draw Fred Flintstone
Paula Mangin drew a picture of Fred Flintsone in 21.16 seconds. She achieved the feat at a World Record Appreciation Society[]... (more)
Oct 12 PaulaMangin 5 comments
Fastest Time To Draw Fred Flintstone
Mario drew Fred Flintstone in 17.63 seconds.
Aug 16 david_tibet 5 comments
Fastest Time To Draw Fred Flintstone
Myron S. drew Fred Flintstone in 18.70 seconds.
Jul 27 MyronSmith 5 comments
Fastest Time To Draw Fred Flintstone
Myron Smith drew Fred Flintstone in 15.56 seconds.
Feb 14 MyronSmith 5 comments
Most $2 Bills Held In Hand While Dribbling A Money Print Basketball And Wearing Money Print Shoes
John Sabanovich held four $2 bills in his hand while dribbling a money print baksetball and wearing money print shoes.
Oct 13 JohnSa 1 comment
Most Impressions Performed In One Minute
Patrick Maliha performed 27 impressions in one minute. His feat beat previous record holder Dana Carvey’s record by nine... (more)
Dec 01 PatrickMaliha 7 comments
Most Impressions Performed In One Minute
Nick Roy performed 31 impressions in one minute. Some of the characters he impersonates while setting the record include Donald... (more)
Feb 28 NickRoy 7 comments
Fastest Time To Play Every Note On A Five-String Bass Guitar
Eric Buffett played all 125 notes on a five string, 24-fret bass guitar in 22.62 seconds.
Oct 13 EricB 1 comment
Most Words Inspired By The Root Word 'TORE' In One Minute
Using “tore” as her root word, Amber Justis threw out 26 “tore” related phrases in one minute. Phrases created included “chicken... (more)
Oct 14 AmberJustis
Most People To Change Seats At Once
Directed by guest speaker Chris Sacca,1006 freshmen students at Wright State University changed their seats at the same time.
Oct 14 WrightStateUniversityFreshman
Most People To Yell "Livestrong!" At Once
Directed by guest speaker Chris Sacca, 1006 freshmen students at Wright State University yelled the word “Livestrong!” at the... (more)
Oct 16 WrightStateUniversityFreshman 16 comments
Most People To Yell "We Love You Jimmy!" At Once
Directed by guest speaker Chris Sacca,1006 freshmen students at Wright State University yelled “We love you Jimmy!” at... (more)
Oct 14 WrightStateUniversityFreshman 9 comments
Most Candy Bars Named In 30 Seconds While Being Tickled
Aimee Fountain named 11 candy bars in 30 seconds while being tickled by Nat Lawlor. She achieved the feat at a World Record... (more)
Oct 15 AimeeFountain 4 comments
Most Candy Bars Named In 30 Seconds While Being Tickled
Autumn Rizzio named 14 candy bars in 30 seconds while being tickled during a live broadcast of WRLR 98.3 FM’sSubterraneanshow in... (more)
Aug 13 AutumnRizzio 4 comments