1. #8

    Longest Time To Balance A Sword On A Swallowed Sword

    Ryan Stock swallowed a sword and balanced another sword on top of it for 19.53 seconds. NOTE: Sword swallowing is dangerous,... (more)

    Mar 30 RyanStock 4 comments Canada
  2. #9

    Longest Successful Basketball Shot While Sword Swallowing

    Root Berry made a successful basketball shot from a distance of 15 feet while swallowing a sword. NOTE: Sword swallowing is... (more)

    Mar 05 RootBerry 2 comments United States
  3. #10

    Longest Live Streaming Crowd Surf

    Leo Laporte crowd surfed for one minute, 2.75 seconds while live streaming the entire feat on Twit.tv, a world record. The feat... (more)

    Jan 09 LeoLaporte 15 comments United States
  4. #11

    Most Empty Boxes Knocked Down With A Broom While Riding A Pallet Jack

    Guido Balducci knocked over 44 empty paper boxes with a broom while riding a pallet jack. The wall of boxes he’d set up... (more)

    Jan 08 GuidoBalducci 13 comments United States
  5. #12

    Longest Headspin

    Spinderella, an 11-year-old breakdancer, performed a headspin that lasted 13 minutes and 53.34 seconds.

    Nov 09 B-GirlSpinderella 55 comments United States
  6. #13

    Most Times Saying "Yo" In 15 Seconds

    Jon Friedman said the word "yo" 120 times in 15 seconds.

    Oct 10 JonFriedman 2 comments United States
  7. #14

    Most Times Saying "Yo" In 15 Seconds

    Patrick Jackman said the word "yo" 123 times in 15 seconds.

    Jan 19 PatrickJackman 2 comments The Internet
  8. #15

    Fastest Time To Unwrap A Mummy

    Jimmy Fallon unwrapped a mummy in 19.09 seconds. Fallon set the record on October 2, 2009 during the taping of a URDB segment... (more)

    Oct 08 JimmyF 14 comments United States
  9. #16

    Fastest Time To Unwrap A Mummy

    Dani Martínez, a host at Otra Movida, unwrapped Kiko García's mummy in 10.87 seconds.

    Feb 29 OtraMovidaRecords 14 comments Spain
  10. #17

    Fastest Time To Unwrap A Mummy

    Taylor and Jake unwrapped a mummy in 3.26 seconds.

    Mar 03 TaylorWhipple 14 comments United States
  11. #18

    Fastest Time To Unwrap A Mummy

    Breakfast Television hosts Drew and Jeremy unwrapped a mummy in 8.20 seconds.

    Feb 21 BreakfastTelevision 14 comments Canada
  12. #19

    Fastest Time To Unwrap A Mummy

    Paramore's Jeremy Davis and Taylor York set an official RecordSetter World Record by unwrapping a mummy in 9.75 seconds. Jeremy... (more)

    Jan 29 Paramore 14 comments United States
  13. #20

    Fastest Time To Unwrap A Mummy

    Taylor and Jake unwrapped a mummy in 9.49 seconds.

    Jan 31 TaylorWhipple 14 comments United States
  14. #21

    Most Knives Thrown In A Slice Of Pizza In 30 Seconds

    Gregor Erlich threw four knives in a slice of pizza in 30 seconds. He achieved the feat at a World Record Appreciation Society... (more)

    Oct 09 GregorEhrlich 1 comment United States
  15. #22

    Largest Group To Fit Inside A 52-Inch Diameter Circle

    16 people at the Kansas City Juggling Festival fit into a circle 52 inches in diameter.

    Oct 09 KansasCityJugglingFestivalattendees United States
  16. #23

    Largest Group To Fit Inside A 52-Inch Diameter Circle

    Eighteen people stood inside a circle 52 inches (132.08 cm) in diameter.

    Nov 11 1st Richmond Hill Scout Troop and Cub Pack
  17. #24

    Largest Group To Fit Inside A 52-Inch Diameter Circle

    A total of 23 scouts, cub scouts, and a beaver scout from 7th Swansea Scout Group stood inside a circle 52 inches (132.08 cm) in... (more)

    Sep 29 7thSwanseaScoutGroup Wales
  18. #25

    Fastest 20-Foot Double Pedalo Ride

    Dany Majard completed a 20-foot Double Pedalo ride in 3.03 seconds.

    Oct 09 DanyMajard United States
  19. #26

    Most Foot Dribbles With A Juggling Club While Juggling Three Clubs

    Nick Laffey completed 30 foot dribbles with a juggling club on the ground, while juggling three clubs.

    Oct 10 NickLaffey 3 comments United States