Strength World Records

696 Records Found

02:30 Scotland

Longest Time Carrying An 88-Pound Dumbbell With Right Hand

William Cannon

William Cannon carried an 88-pound dumbbell with his right hand for one minute, 16.43 seconds.

03:19 Scotland

Longest Time Carrying Two 44-Pound Dumbbells

William Cannon

William Cannon carried two 44-pound dumbbells for three minutes, 58.25 seconds.

01:09 South Africa

Fastest Time To Flip An 85-Kilogram Tire Three Kilometers

Chris Batts

Chris Batts flipped an 85-kilogram tire three kilometers in three hours, 37 minutes.

01:25 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 315-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 213 Lbs.)

Darius Robinson

Darius R. completed 12 reps bench pressing a 315-pound barbell. His body weight was 212 pounds during the attempt.

00:48 United States

Most Leg Presses In 30 Seconds Using A 1200-Pound Weight

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. leg pressed a 1200-pound weight 32 times in 30 seconds.

00:19 South Africa

Fastest Time To Flip An 85-Kilogram Tire One Kilometer

Chris Batts

Chris Batts flipped an 85-kilogram tire one kilometer in 42 minutes, 17.00 seconds.

00:19 South Africa

Fastest Time To Flip An 85-Kilogram Tire One Kilometer

Chris Batts

Chris Batts flipped an 85-kilogram tire one kilometer in 42 minutes, 17.00 seconds.

04:31 United States

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Leaping Mountain Climbers And 100 Chest-Touching-Ground Locked Finger Push-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 100 leaping mountain climbers and 100 chest-touching-ground locked finger push-ups in four minutes, 31.50 seconds.

02:14 Scotland

Most Stationary Rows In One Minute While Carrying A 40-Pound Rucksack On Back

William Cannon

William C. completed 56 stationary rows in one minute while carrying a 40-pound rucksack on his back.

02:22 Scotland

Most Stationary Rows In One Minute While Carrying A 60-Pound Rucksack On Back

William Cannon

William C. completed 49 stationary rows in one minute while carrying a 60-pound rucksack on his back.

03:02 Scotland

Most Stationary Rows In One Minute While Carrying A 100-Pound Rucksack On Back

William Cannon

William C. completed 33 stationary rows in one minute while carrying a 100-pound rucksack on his back.

19:31 United States

Most Wrenches Bent With Bare Hands In 30 Minutes

Michael Price

Michael Price bent 14 wrenches with his bare hands in 30 minutes. He dedicated the record to Jesus Christ and set it to raise money for charity.

00:59 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing 340 Pounds Of Antique Wagon Wheels

Omega Force

"Big Willie" JT Hall of Omega Force Strength Team bench pressed 340 pounds of antique wagon wheels 15 times. He set the record at Edgewood Baptist Church in Nicholasville, Kentucky.

02:01 Australia

Longest Time Holding A 3.2-Kilogram Sledgehammer At Arm's Length Using Right Arm

Joseph Smith

Joseph S. held a 3.2-kilogram sledgehammer at arm's length using his right arm for one minute, 44.81 seconds.

01:02 Scotland

Longest Time To Deadlift Two 152-Pound Barbells While Standing On Left Foot (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)

William Cannon

William Cannon deadlifted two 152-pound barbells for 1.13 seconds while standing on his left foot. His body weight during the attempt was 192 pounds.

03:04 Scotland

Longest Time To Deadlift Two 136-Pound Barbells While Standing On Left Foot

William Cannon

William Cannon deadlifted two 136-pound barbells for 2.22 seconds while standing on his left foot.

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