Strength World Records

696 Records Found

00:28 United States

Fastest Time For A Male Over 50 Years Old To Combo Crab Walk 84 Feet


Hammer Head combo crab walked 84 feet in 20.59 seconds. He set the record during Alicia's 2012 Holiday Record Week.

32:40 Canada

Fastest Time For A 70-Year-Old To Complete 1000 Push-Ups

Flavio Codarin

70-year-old Flavio Codarin competed 1000 push-ups in 26 minutes, 1.00 second.

12:26 England

Most Decline Bench Press Reps With A 308.64-Pound Weight On A Smith Machine (Athlete Under 206 Lbs.)

Mark Galloway

Mark G. performed a decline bench press using a barbell weighing 308.64 pounds. His body weight at the time of the attempt was 205.03 pounds.

12:39 United States

Most Car Door Windows Broken Using Hands In Two Minutes

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor broke 21 car door windows using his hands in two minutes.

00:56 United States

Fastest Time To Break 400 Bricks Using Hands

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor broke 400 bricks in 37.94 seconds. The combined weight of the bricks totaled 4,000 pounds.

07:57 United States

Most License Plate Shreds Made With Bare Hands

JD Anderson

JD Anderson tore a license plate into seven pieces using his bare hands. NOTE: This record can be dangerous. Only professionals should attempt.

00:43 Italy

Heaviest Person Lifted While Performing A Pistol Squat On Two Bottles

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter lifted an 18-kilogram child while performing a pistol squat on two bottles.

06:01:46 Bulgaria

Most Squats In Six Hours

Radi Milev “65 years old”

Radi Milev completed 13,029 squats in six hours. He set the record to commemorate the anniversary of the death of Bulgarian national hero Vasil Levski.

49:31 United States

Most Burpee Exercises Performed In 72 Hours

Lloyd Weema

Lloyd W. performed 9,480 Burpee exercises in 72 hours.

00:22 United States

Fastest Air Speed Brick Break

Kevin Taylor

Kevin Taylor performed an air speed brick break in 0.41 second.

02:02 France

Longest 90-Degree Static Hold One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Push-Up

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois performed a static hold in a one-armed 90-degree back-of-hand push-up position for 53.93 seconds.

01:26 The Internet

Fastest Time To Walk 50 Meters While Carrying 120 Kilograms

Andreas Weaver

Andreas W. walked 50 meters in 32.37 seconds while carrying 60-kilogram weights in each hand.

32:10 France

Most One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Push-Ups In 30 Minutes

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. completed 1,377 one-armed push-ups in 30 minutes using the back of his hands.

00:55 The Internet

Fastest Dual Rope Climb With A 14-Pound Medicine Ball Between Legs

Andreas Weaver

Andreas W. performed a dual rope climb in 16.78 seconds with a 14-pound medicine ball between his legs.

00:36 The Internet

Youngest Person To Perform Five 223-Kilogram Squats

Yeonsoo Chung

Yeonsoo C. performed five 223-kilogram squats. He is 19 years old.

02:21 Italy

Heaviest Weight Lifted While Walking 4.5 Meters Barefoot Through Broken Glass

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter lifted a 150-kilogram barbell while walking 4.5 meters barefoot through broken glass. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

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