Strength World Records

696 Records Found

00:49 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 390-Pound Wooden Log

Clint Poore

Clint P. bench pressed a 390-pound wooden log seven times.

01:36 Sweden

Most Reps Curling A 145-Pound Olympic Barbell

Thommy Ohlund

Thommy Ohlund completed 16 reps curling a 145-pound Olympic barbell.

01:09 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 330-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed 11 reps bench pressing a 330-pound barbell. His body weight was 232 pounds during the attempt.

00:54 The Internet

Most Pull-Ups With Two 20-Pound Medicine Balls Between Legs

Andreas Weaver

Andreas W. performed 11 pull-ups with two 20-pound medicine balls between his legs.

10:56 France

Most One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Push-Ups In 10 Minutes

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. completed 620 consecutive one-armed push-ups in 10 minutes using the back of his hands.

00:49 United States

Most Reps Anderson Pressing A 235-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed 12 reps Anderson pressing a 235-pound weight.

01:35 United States

Most Consecutive Archer Pull-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 30 consecutive archer pull-ups.

00:21 The Internet

Fastest Dual Rope Climb

Andreas Weaver

Andreas W. performed a dual rope climb in 17.76 seconds.

01:10 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 370-Pound Wooden Log

Clint Poore

Clint Poore bench pressed a 370-pound wooden log 10 times.

00:44 India

Longest Peacock Pose Held On Fingers

Gyaneshwar Shankushal

Gyaneshwar S. held a peacock pose on his fingers for 43.88 seconds.

10:30 United States

Most Strict Chest-Touching-Ground Reptile Push-Ups In 10 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 186 chest-touching-ground reptile push-ups in 10 minutes.

04:00 United States

Most Strict Chest-Touching-Ground Reptile Push-Ups In Four Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 103 strict one-arm chest-touching-ground reptile push-ups in four minutes.

03:00 United States

Most Strict Chest-Touching-Ground Reptile Push-Ups In Three Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 93 strict one-arm chest-touching-ground reptile push-ups in three minutes.

01:21 United States

Most Diamond Push-Ups Performed In One Minute By A 15-Year-Old

Ryan Hansen

Ryan H. performed 79 diamond push-ups in one minute. He is 15 years old.

00:42 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 430-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed two reps bench pressing a 430-pound barbell. His body weight was 234 pounds during the attempt.

01:00 United States

Most Reps Curling A 128-Pound Keg

Clint Poore

Clint P. curled a 128-pound keg two consecutive times.

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