Most World Records

7868 Records Found

03:34 India

Most Tube Lights Broken On Abdomen In One Minute

Bhavjoth Singh

Bhavjoth Singh broke 184 tubelights on his abdomen in one minute. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

01:06 United States

Most Three-Ball Mills Mess Patterns In One Minute While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 82 three-ball mills mess patterns while balancing on a rola bola in one minute.

00:25 The Internet

Most Summer Camp Attendees Doing A Fist Pump Simultaneously

Adam Wanderman

Led by Adam Wanderman, a total of 243 people at a summer camp did a fist pump at once.

01:02 Scotland

Most Vehicles Stolen In "Saints Row: The Third" In One Minute

Nathan Buchan

Nathan B. stole 11 vehicles in Saints Row: The Third in one minute.

00:57 England

Most Curved Swords Swallowed At Once

El Lurchio

El Lurchio swallowed two swords with 45-degree curves in their blades at once. NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

03:08 United States

Most WWE References In A Three-Minute Rap Song

Bob Cardillo II

B-cide sang a three-minute rap song containing 112 WWE references.

00:27 South Africa

Most Goals Scored In A Match In "FIFA 12" (XBox 360)

André Crafford

André C. scored 279 goals in a match while playing FIFA 12.

02:26 United States

Most Consecutive Quadruple Clap Push-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 31 quadruple clap push-ups.

05:02 The Internet

Most Monster German Wieners And Buns Eaten In Five Minutes

Jon Bello

Jon Bello ate five and a half Monster German Wieners and buns in five minutes. He set the record to help raise funds and awareness for the Special Olympics. The event was covered by WJXT Channel 4, WJCT 89.9-FM and Jacksonville Magazine as well as social media and local blogs. Jon Bello is ranked 38th in the world by the International Federation of Competitive Eating. Read more about Jon here. NOTE: Competitive eating is dangerous and should not be attempted unless you are professionally trained.

00:4 India

Most Brainbench Visual Basic Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received nine Visual Basic certificates from Brainbench.


Most Brainbench Microsoft PowerPoint Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 10 Microsoft PowerPoint certificates from Brainbench.

00:14 India

Most Brainbench Fundamentals Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 45 Brainbench Fundamentals certificates.

00:24 India

Most Brainbench HTML Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received two Brainbench HTML certificates.

00:1 India

Most Brainbench Active Server Pages Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received three Brainbench Active Server Pages (ASP) certificates.

00:15 India

Most Brainbench Job Roles Certificates Received In A Month

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 19 Job Role certificates from Brainbench in a month.

01:03 India

Most Brainbench Job Roles Certificates Received

Abhishant Kumar

Abhishant Kumar received 32 Job Roles certificates from Brainbench.

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