Most World Records

7868 Records Found

08:40 The Internet

Most Tootsie Rolls Held In One Hand

Joe Benes

Joe B. held 136 Tootsie Rolls in one hand.

01:26 United States

Most Clubs Juggled While Sword Swallowing

Root Berry

Root Berry juggled five clubs while sword swallowing. NOTE: Sword swallowing is dangerous, please do not attempt these records without proper training, supervision and safety precautions.

00:46 Canada

Most Academy Award-Winning Best Picture Films Named In 30 Seconds

Billie Stefan

Billie S. named 52 films that won the Academy Award for Best Picture in 30 seconds

00:54 United States

Most Office Chair Spins

Tai Star

Tai Star spun an office chair 16 times with a single push.

01:00 United States

Most Cascade Patterns Stolen By A Female Juggler From A Male Juggler Lying On His Back


A female juggler stole a juggled cascade pattern from Pete Moyer 10 times while he was lying down.

03:36 United States

Most Cards Stacked In One Hand

Tai Star

Tai Star built a stack of playing cards balanced on his hand that reached 10 stories in height.

00:19 Ireland

Most Books Stood On At Once


Noah M. stood on 76 books at once.

03:17 Canada

Most Consecutive Push-Ups With 120 Pounds On Back

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed six push-ups while carrying 120 pounds of additional weight on his back.

08:07 United States

Most Numbers Written On A Ping Pong Ball

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey wrote 151 numbers on a ping pong ball.

03:31 Wales

Most Tennis Ball Bounces On An American Football

Mark Evans

Mark E. bounced a tennis ball 476 times off a football.

02:30:40 United States

Most Non-Stop Combinations Of Leg Lifts And Straight Leg Holds

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 2,030 combinations of leg lifts and straight leg holds without stopping. The straight leg hold lasted for a total of 34 minutes.

00:50 United States

Most Torches Extinguished With Mouth In 30 Seconds While Standing On Broken Glass

Kameron Messmer

Kameron Messmer extinguished 50 lit torches with his mouth in 30 seconds while standing on broken glass. NOTE: This feat is extremely dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals with safety precautions on hand.

01:02 The Internet

Most Torches Extinguished By Hand In 30 Seconds While Standing On Broken Glass

Keenan Messmer

Keenan Messmer extinguished a lit torch with his hand 56 times in 30 seconds while standing on broken glass. NOTE: This feat is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals with safety precautions on hand.

01:54 United States

Most Peeps Fit In Open Mouth

Kelsey McDonald

Max H. fit 14 Peeps in his open mouth at once. WARNING: Stuffing food in mouth can be dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 or trained as a professional stunt performer. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

21:35 United States

Most Questions Asked During A KFC Drive-Thru Visit


Pete Moyer asked 70 questions through the intercom at a KFC drive-thru during a single visit. The patient employee was Mike Workman.

00:32 Chile

Most Consecutive Hops With A Diabolo In 30 Seconds

Domingo Irarrazaval

Domingo I. completed 52 diabolo hops in 30 seconds.

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