Most World Records

7868 Records Found

07:56 India

Most Bounces Of A Softball On Alternating Sides Of A Table Tennis Paddle

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a softball on alternating sides of a table tennis paddle 858 times.

01:00 United States

Most Mountain Climber Exercise On Knuckles In One Minute

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 260 Mountain Climber exercises on her knuckles in one minute.

00:56 United States

Most Totino's Pizza Rolls Eaten In 30 Seconds

Travis Mizejewski

Travis M. ate 13 Totino’s pizza rolls in 30 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:05 Pakistan

Most Martial Art Sidekicks In One Minute


Ahmad Amin Bodla performed 187 martial arts sidekicks in one minute.

01:03 United States

Most Neck Lifts Using A 110-Pound Anvil

Clint Poore

Clint P. lifted a 110-pound anvil 12 times using his neck.

01:51 United States

Most Decline Bench Press Reps With A 225-Pound Barbell

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. performed 80 decline bench press reps using a 225-pound barbell.

00:48 United States

Most Back Flips On A Trampoline In 30 Seconds

Greg Roe

Greg R. completed 35 back flips on a trampoline in 30 seconds.

00:5 United States

Most People Saying "We Love Southwest Airlines" In Front Of A Southwest Airlines Plane

Clint Poore

Clint Poore and three Southwest Airlines flight attendants said "We love Southwest Airlines" at once in front of a Southwest Airlines plane. They set a record shortly after a landing in Denver, Colorado.

01:13 The Internet

Most Kisses Received Under Mistletoe In One Minute

Bill Biwer

Bill received 95 kisses in one minute under a mistletoe. He set the record to raise money for charity.

01:14 The Internet

Most Times To Tell Wife "I Love You" In 30 Seconds

Kenny Stanteen

Youth minister Kenny Stanteen told his wife “I love you” 69 times during a Synergy Youth event. Stanteen says he does his best to tell his wife “I love you” every day, even when not attempting a record.

00:37 India

Most Bounces Of A Baseball Between Legs Off The Side Of A Building In 30 Seconds

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a baseball between his legs and off of the side of a building 35 times in 30 seconds.

00:39 India

Most Times To Dribble A Basketball Off The Side Of A Building In 30 Seconds

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur dribbled a basketball off of the side of a building 181 times in 30 seconds.

00:39 India

Most Bounces Of A Baseball Off Of The Side Of A Building In 30 Seconds While Petting A Dog

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a baseball off the side of a building 82 times in 30 seconds while petting a dog.

01:02 India

Most Between-The-Legs Bounces Of A Baseball Off The Side Of A Building In One Minute

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur bounced a baseball between his legs and off of the side of a building 65 times in one minute.

00:20 England

Most Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Paddle While Juggling Two Juggling Rings And Kneeling

Ewan Clementson

Ewan Clementson bounced a table tennis ball on a paddle 28 times while juggling two juggling rings simultaneously while kneeling.

00:51 The Internet

Most Rappers Named In One Minute

Timothy Adams

Timothy Adams named 50 rappers in one minute.

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