Most Times To Tell Wife "I Love You" In 30 Seconds

The Internet



Clinton, Mississippi, United States / October 19, 2011

Youth minister Kenny Stanteen told his wife “I love you” 69 times during a Synergy Youth event. Stanteen says he does his best to tell his wife “I love you” every day, even when not attempting a record.


- must observe RecordSetter speech criteria
- each "I love you" must be distinct and audible
- wife must be present when record is set



Tags: mostsayingwifelovephrasei love you

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  • United States World Records For Everyone!


  • United States Alyjha Williams

    i agree with brian it does zap the meaning out of it every time i tell my future wife i mean it im not just saying it

  • United States Brian Pankey

    I love all mankind! I love animals! I love posting! I mean it

  • United States Brian Pankey

    loving your new records Alyjha

  • United States Brian Pankey

    I like the creativeness of this record It just has to come from the heart

  • United States Brian Pankey

    I like the original record idea though from Andy

  • United States Brian Pankey

    why does have to be a record. You should say it like it means something not just for a record. it makes the whole meaning sound fake

  • United States Emily Patricia

    So darn sweet.

  • United States Ella Morton

    I, uh...have something in my eye. Sniff

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