Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:7 The Internet

Most People Saying "We Love Majors Pizza" At Once

Chris Rathbone

Chris R. led 53 people to say "We Love Majors Pizza" at once.

22:30 United States

Fastest Time To Perform The "Extreme Power Mash-Up"

Andre Turan

Andre T. performed the Extreme Power Mash-up in 21 minutes, 8.00 seconds. He set the record during a sportscast hosted by Micky Macintosh and Bunny Banonus.

02:04 United States

Most Deep Squats And Push-Ups In Two Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 82 deep squats and 84 push-ups in two minutes.

00:47 The Internet

Fastest Time For Two People To Tell 60 Jokes In A Ford Focus ST

College Humor

Pat Cassels and Brian Murphy from College Humor sat in a Ford Focus ST and told 60 jokes in two minutes, 18.60 seconds. Watch the full Ford Focus ST video here. The record was officiated by RecordSetter president Dan Rollman.

01:47 The Internet

Most Crawfish Kissed In 30 Seconds

Nicole Monahan

Nicole M. kissed 34 crawfish in 30 seconds.

02:04 United States

Most Sit-Ups On A Floating Paddleboard In Two Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 81 sit-ups on a floating paddleboard in two minutes.

United States

Most Kazoos Played At Once

Larry Levite

At Asa H’s Bar Mitzvah party, Larry Levite played five kazoos at once. #AsaBarMitzvah

United States

Most Kazoos Played At Once

Larry Levite

At Asa H’s Bar Mitzvah party, Larry Levite played five kazoos at once. #AsaBarMitzvah

00:43 United States

Most Continuous Shots Made While Juggling Three Basketballs


Whit J. made 15 continuous shots while juggling three basketballs.

01:07 United States

Most 230-Pound Squats Using A Cambered Squat Bar

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed 25 consecutive repetitions squatting a 230-pound weight using a cambered squat bar.

05:01 United States

Most Arms Crossed Bent Knee Sit-Ups In Five Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 230 arms crossed bent knee situps in five minutes.

01:15 United States

Most Leg Presses Using A 1000-Pound Weight In One Minute

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. leg pressed a 1000-pound weight 68 times in one minute.

31:57 United States

Most 90 Degree Flexed Hang Knee-To-Elbow Raises In 30 Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 620 90-degree flexed hang knee-to-elbow raises in 30 minutes.

01:19 United States

Most Swords Swallowed With A Macaw Perched On Shoulder

Dan Meyer

Dan Meyer swallowed seven swords at once with his macaw parrot, Eiki, on his shoulder. WARNING: Sword swallowing can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional sword swallower. We will not accept submissions from minors.

00:54 United States

Most Overhead Presses Using A 152-Pound Keg

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed 12 overhead presses of a 152-pound keg.

00:38 The Internet

Most Cheek Pulls In 30 Seconds

Arti Shala

Arti Shala pulled his cheeks 198 times in 30 seconds.

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