Most World Records

7868 Records Found

03:53 England

Most People Wearing Fake Mustaches In A Conga Line Led By A Batala Band

Jay Walton

107 people, including friends Of Ryelands Park, Lancashire County Council, The Dukes Theaters and community members from the Lancaster District of Ryelands, Skerton and Vale, wore fake mustaches in a conga line led by a Batala Band. They set the record during the "This Side of The River" celebration, a project which aimed to bring arts engagement to some of the City of Lancaster's most deprived areas.

02:48 Israel

Most Dice Banked Into A Cup In 10 Seconds

Deleted User

(Deleted User) banked 14 dice into a cup in 10 seconds.

01:08 United States

Most Times Sitting On A Whoopee Cushion And Saying "Merry Christmas" In 15 Seconds While Dressed As Santa Claus

Clint Poore

Clint P. sat on a whoopee cushion and said "Merry Christmas" nine times in 15 seconds while dressed as Santa Claus.

06:13 United States

Most Triple Egg Balance Bosu Knee Tucks And Single Egg Balance Perfect Pull-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 32 Triple Egg Balance Bosu knee tucks and Single Egg Balance Perfect pull-ups.

01:32 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing The "Mighty Cumberland River Rock"

Clint Poore

Clint P. bench pressed the "Mighty Cumberland River Rock" 37 times.

01:22 United States

Most Boxes Of Christmas Cards Held In Hand While Dressed As Santa Claus

Clint Poore

Clint P. held 25 Christmas card boxes in his hand at once.

00:34 Canada

Most Times Punching A Wookiee In The Stomach In 15 Seconds

Miki Agrawal

Miki Agrawal punched a Wookiee in the stomach 77 times in 15 seconds. The record was set during an episode of Late Night With Jimmy Fallon. RecordSetter co-founders Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson officiated the feat. #LNWJF

05:57 Bulgaria

Most Deep Squats In Five Minutes

Radi Milev “65 years old”

Radi M. completed 332 deep squats in five minutes. Read more about the feat here.

03:34 Israel

Most CDs Spooled On Pinky Finger While Balancing A Pencil Between Lip And Nose

Deleted User

(Deleted User) spooled 56 CDs on his pinky finger while balancing a pencil between his lip and nose.

01:02 United States

Most RecordSetter World Records Set In A Pizza Restaurant In One Day

Clint Poore

Led by Clint Poore, five RecordSetter world records were set in a pizza restaurant on November 2, 2012. The records were set during Majors Pizza Customer Appreciation Day in Albany, Kentucky.

00:32 United States

Most Two-Handed Eisenhower Dollar Coin Rolls In 30 Seconds

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 17 two-handed Eisenhower dollar coin rolls in 30 seconds.

00:7 The Internet

Most People Saying "We Love Majors Pizza" At Once

Chris Rathbone

Chris R. led 53 people to say "We Love Majors Pizza" at once.

22:30 United States

Fastest Time To Perform The "Extreme Power Mash-Up"

Andre Turan

Andre T. performed the Extreme Power Mash-up in 21 minutes, 8.00 seconds. He set the record during a sportscast hosted by Micky Macintosh and Bunny Banonus.

02:04 United States

Most Deep Squats And Push-Ups In Two Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 82 deep squats and 84 push-ups in two minutes.

00:47 The Internet

Fastest Time For Two People To Tell 60 Jokes In A Ford Focus ST

College Humor

Pat Cassels and Brian Murphy from College Humor sat in a Ford Focus ST and told 60 jokes in two minutes, 18.60 seconds. Watch the full Ford Focus ST video here. The record was officiated by RecordSetter president Dan Rollman.

01:47 The Internet

Most Crawfish Kissed In 30 Seconds

Nicole Monahan

Nicole M. kissed 34 crawfish in 30 seconds.

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