Most World Records

7868 Records Found

01:23 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 152-Pound Keg

Clint Poore

Clint P. bench pressed a 152-pound keg 26 times.

01:03 United States

Most Ollies In One Minute


TheSkaterG performed 76 ollies in one minute.

01:15 United States

Most Hats Worn While Riding A Unicycle

Kevin Hong

Kevin Hong wore 42 hats while unicycling.

03:42 United States

Most Enchanted Potion Bottles Broken In One Minute In "Minecraft"

Jacob Joh

Jacob J. broke 140,160 enchanted potion bottles in one minute in Minecraft.

00:18 Chile

Most Consecutive Myachi Hand Loops

Felipe baraona

Felipe B. performed four consecutive Myachi hand loops.

00:30 The Internet

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling Three Playing Cards

David Solomon

David S. completed 88 catches juggling three playing cards.

00:46 The Internet

Most Consecutive Balloon Volleys By Two Dogs

Coty Lunn

Coty's pet dogs Katsumi and Kage volleyed a balloon in the air 14 consecutive times.

00:34 Malaysia

Most Consecutive 90-Degree Push-Ups On Fists

Alan Thong

Alan Thong performed four consecutive 90-degree push-ups on his fists.

02:20 United States

Most Butt Spins In 15 Seconds While Wearing An Afro Wig And Humming Circus Music

Hayes Grier

While hosting an episode of RecordSetter Kids, Hayes Grier performed 11 butt spins in 15 seconds while wearing an Afro wig and humming circus music, a RecordSetter World Record. Want to challenge his record? Have parental guidance and follow all rules listed on this page.

00:45 Slovakia

Most Direct Strokes To A Punching Bag In 10 Seconds

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik completed 101 direct strokes to a punching bag in 10 seconds.

01:00 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 315-Pound Barbell (Athlete Over 40 Years Old)

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed 13 reps bench pressing a 315-pound barbell. He is 42 years old.

01:27 Germany

Most Dice Stacked On Nails Using A Dice Cup In One Minute

Maximiliano Pugliese

Maximiliano P. stacked seven 4-dice towers and a 3-dice tower on a set of nails using a dice cup in one minute.

01:30 United States

Most Goofy-Faced Selfies Taken While Dancing in 10 Seconds

Candace and Grace

Candace and Grace took 90 goofy-faced selfies in 10 seconds while dancing.

05:05 England

Most 360-Degree Turns While Performing Keepie Uppies

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly turned 360 degrees 42 times while performing keepie uppies.

00:42 Slovakia

Most Consecutive Balloon Bounces On A Cotton Bud In 30 Seconds While Lying Down

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon on a cotton bud 131 times in 30 seconds while lying down.

01:18 Slovakia

Most Balloon Bounces On A CD In One Minute

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik bounced a balloon on a CD 292 times in one minute.

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