7868 Records Found

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 330-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)
Clint Poore

Most Butt Spins In One Minute
Chris Krolak

Most Bananas Eaten In One Sitting
Muhammad Malook

Most Pistol Squats On Broken Glass
Silvio Sabba

Most Snapback Hats Balanced On Head
Gaven Øk

Most Water Bottle Revolutions In 30 Seconds
John Mudgett

Most "Saber's Double Trouble" Card Cuts In 30 Seconds
Kamal Aslam

Most "Saber's Double Trouble" Card Cuts In One Minute
Kamal Aslam

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 205-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)
Clint Poore

Most Over-The-Shoulder Nunchucks Passes In One Minute While Balancing On A Rola Bola
Brian Pankey

Most Overhead Presses Of A Five-Gallon Water Jug With Left Arm
Clint Poore

Most Balloon Dogs Created In 90 Seconds
Rick Hessler

Most Overhead Presses With A 110-Pound Anvil
Clint Poore

Most Decline Bench Press Reps With A 325-Pound Barbell
Jason A Faulkner

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 300-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 220 Lbs.)
darius robinson

Most Consecutive Pool Badminton Volleys
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