Game World Records

Game world records, whether real-world or virtual, are set after hours of intensive training and practice. Childhood favorites like Connect Four sit alongside recent iPhone hits such as Angry Birds. Whether your passion is board games or video games, you'll find a category to compete in here.

2218 Records Found

02:27 United States

Highest Score In "Eggz Blast" (Online)


Ivan S. earned 57,800 points in Eggz Blast.

00:12 Canada

Fastest Time To Beat "Queen Of The Mountain" In "Marble Blast"


M2MM4M XD beat Queen of the Mountain in Marble Blast in 3.61 seconds.

06:13 Ireland

Highest Score In "Puzzle Mix: Animals" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 209,600 points in Puzzle Mix: Animals.

03:30 Ireland

Highest Score In "10 Bullets" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 342 points in 10 Bullets.

01:13 United States

Fastest Time To Knock Out Glass Joe In "Punch-Out!!" (NES)

William Moore

William M. knocked out Glass Joe in Punch-Out!! in 42.00 seconds.

05:18 United States

Highest Score Earned Fighting Glass Joe In "Punch-Out!!" (NES)

William Moore

William M. earned 15,150 points fighting Glass Joe in Punch-Out!!

40:59 Canada

Highest Score In "Oink!" (Atari 2600)


Glen S. earned 693,424 points in Oink!

11:06 United States

Highest Score In "Karate Champ" (MAME Emulator)

Brandon LeCroy

Brandon L. earned 63,300 points in Karate Champ.

04:57 United States

Fastest Time To Beat "Pokemon Green" Using Glitches

Matthew Felix

Matthew F. beat Pokemon Green using glitches in four minutes, 25.00 seconds.

00:48 United States

Fastest Time To Complete The First Five Levels Of "Obey" (PC)

Matthew Dickson

Matthew D. completed the first five levels of Obey in 21.86 seconds.

00:39 United States

Fastest Time To Complete Green Hill Zone, Act 3 In "Sonic the Hedgehog"

Zero Play

Jaggar P. completed Green Hill Zone, Act 3 in Sonic the Hedgehog in 34.00 seconds.

21:58 United States

Highest Score In "Kool-Aid Man" (Atari 2600)

Mason Cramer

Mason C. earned 214,800 points in Kool-Aid Man.

10:33 United States

Fastest Completion Of "Pokemon Emerald" (Game Boy Advance)

Matthew Felix

Matthew F. completed Pokemon Emerald in two hours, 42 minutes, 31.00 seconds.

00:32 United States

Fastest Completion Of "Circle The Cat" (Online)

Vito O.

Viktor O. completed Circle the Cat in 12.06 seconds.

00:27 United States

Fastest Completion Of "Till Death Do Us Part" Mission In "Hitman: Blood Money" (Xbox 360)

Eric Eggleton

Eric E. completed the Till Death Do Us Part mission in Hitman: Blood Money in one minute, 12.00 seconds.

01:57 Brazil

Highest Score In "The Pinball Arcade: Tales of the Arabian Nights" (PS4)

Hugo de

Hugo earned 122,734,680 points in The Pinball Arcade: Tales of the Arabian Nights.

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