Game World Records

Game world records, whether real-world or virtual, are set after hours of intensive training and practice. Childhood favorites like Connect Four sit alongside recent iPhone hits such as Angry Birds. Whether your passion is board games or video games, you'll find a category to compete in here.

2218 Records Found

00:03 United States

Shortest Distance Achieved In "Toss The Turtle" (Online)

paul abrahams

Paul A. achieved a distance of 26.9 feet in Toss the Turtle.

00:14 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Pepper Panic Saga: Level 4" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 134,700 points in Pepper Panic Saga: Level 4.

01:35 Ireland

Highest Score In "Papa Pear Saga: Level 10" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 213,190 points in Papa Pear Saga: Level 10.

00:40 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Bake Shop Drop: Level 1" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 127,150 points in Bake Shop Drop: Level 1.

00:34 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Bake Shop Drop: Level 3" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 161,330 points in Bake Shop Drop: Level 3.

05:18 United States

Highest Score In "Pudding Pops: Level 1" (Online)

World Records For Everyone!

Jireh A. earned 13,700 points in Pudding Pops: Level 1.

26:15 Ireland

Highest Score In "Flyer" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 2,042,300 points in Flyer.

01:39 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Pet Rescue Saga: Level 1" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 25,140 points in Pet Rescue Saga: Level 1.

00:33 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Pet Rescue Saga: Level 2" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 31,020 points in Pet Rescue Saga: Level 2.

04:10 Ireland

Farthest Distance Ran In Endless Mode Of "How Dare You" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. ran 112,022 meters in Endless Mode of How Dare You.

00:17 United States

Fastest Time Attack Completion Of "Don't Step The White Tile" Using One Finger (Mobile)

Matthew Felix

Matthew F. completed a game of Don't Step The White Tile in 7.13 seconds using one finger.

09:50 United States

Highest Score In "Dinos And Meteors" (Online)


Ivan S. earned 661 points in Dinos And Meteors.

00:05 Ireland

Fastest Death In "Dojo Of Death" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph's game character died in 2.18 seconds in Dojo of Death.

05:29 United States

Longest Time Playing "Flappy Bird" While Holding A Lotus Pose

Caroline Savage

Caroline S. played Flappy Bird for five minutes, 3.54 seconds while holding a lotus pose.

00:14 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Papa Pear Saga: Level 3" (Online)

Zuzana DurdikovaZacharova

Zuzana Z. earned 120,590 points in Papa Pear Saga: Level 3.

04:50 The Internet

Highest Score In "The Pinball Arcade: Tales Of The Arabian Nights" (PC)

Drew Sherlock

Drew S. earned 133,184,980 points in The Pinball Arcade: Tales of the Arabian Nights.

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