Computer World Records

107 Records Found

01:56 India

Fastest Time To Write An Encryption Program

Aniruddh Bhatt

Aniruddh B. wrote an encryption program in one minute, 47.00 seconds.

01:42 United States

Fewest Atlas Stone Drops Needed To Demolish A Computer Hard Drive Tower

Clint Poore

Clint Poore demolished a computer hard drive tower using an Atlas stone in five drops.

00:0 United States

Fewest Moves Made To Win Against Computer In "Line Bounder"

Ryan Estrada

Ryan E. used just 42 moves to win against the computer in a game of Line Bounder.

02:00 The Internet

Fewest Words Typed In One Minute

Jeremy Dowell

Jeremy Dowell typed four words in one minute.

00:05 Australia

Highest Score On "InkBall"

Peter Haridas

Peter H. scored 5,224,375 points in a single game of InkBall.

05:30 Canada

Largest Collection Of Personal Pictures

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie currently has 16,715 pictures in his collection, totaling over 38 GB of data.

00:21 United States

Largest Combo On "Epic Combo!"

Hinkasaurus Rekt

Hinkasaurus Rekt earned 40,350,000 points in Epic Combo!.

00:21 Canada

Largest Group Cheering On A Computer Progress Bar


672 students and staff of LCI Lethbridge cheered at once while watching a computer bar inch forward.

01:10 United States

Largest Group Simultaneously Googling The Same Thing

iD Tech Camps Arizona State University

A total of 16 students from iD Tech Camps Arizona State University simultaneously searched for “ID Tech” on Google.

18:46 Canada

Largest Personal Database

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie currently has 25,048 items in his personal computer, totaling over 350 GB of data.

00:14 The Internet

Longest Comment Thread On A Facebook Video

Oscar Sykes

Oscar Sykes and his friends made 5,079 comments on a Facebook video.

00:40 The Internet

Longest OoVoo Video Chat

Joshua Williams

Joshua W. talked to Ally on OoVoo for 115 hours, a total time of four days.

00:26 Pakistan

Longest Three-Person Comment Thread On A Facebook Status Update

Dawar Kazi

Dawar Kazi and his friends commented back and forth 584,447 times on a

00:40 The Internet

Longest Throw Of A Laptop Computer

Matthew Nunnery

Matthew Nunnery threw a laptop computer 24.48 meters (80 feet, 4 inches).

01:07 United States

Longest Thumb Drive Domino Chain In 30 Seconds

Dustin James

Dustin Barker made a domino chain using 26 thumb drives and successfully made the entire chain toppled. Stride’s setting 100 records in 100 days. At the end of 100 days, we’ll verify if you are the standing Record Holder. If you are, you’ll get $500 for each record you managed to hold with your guile, talent, and sheer will. General caution and common sense required. We show the Stride Team at work, but recommend that these challenges be done at home.

25:02 United States

Longest Time Balancing A "The Lord Of The Rings" Book On Head While In Front Of Computer

Andrew Buzali

Dominic R. balanced a "The Lord of the Rings" book on his head for 24 minutes, 24.03 seconds while in front of the computer.

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