Break Cancer World Records

68 Records Found

01:12 The Internet

Largest Group To Stare Down Cancer

Andrew Kowalski

Andrew and 40 members of Atlas from Penn State Dance Marathon stared down cancer at once.


Most Positive Messages Tweeted To Someone Fighting Cancer In 24 Hours

Next Conference 2011 Attendees

Twitter users around the world sent a total of 224 tweets to Bena Roberts in a 24-hour period, wishing her good thoughts in her battle against cancer. Roberts, who is fighting breast cancer, had no idea the tweets were coming. The record was kicked off during a speech by URDB president Dan Rollman at the 2011 Next Conference in Berlin, Germany. See all tweets sent to @BenaRoberts here. Read Bena’s blog post about the record here.

02:29 Australia

Most Balloons Used To Create "Pink Boobs"

Chicks In Pink

In Celebration of Australia’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, 95 sets of balloons were put together to represent as “pink boobs.” The feat was set by the Chicks In Pink charity in coordination with Racecourse Road[].


Largest Group To Sing "I Will Survive" In Honor Of Cancer Survivors While Shaking Pompoms

Junior Friends

162 members of Junior Friends andThe Legend Foundation sang "IWill Survive" in honor of cancer survivors while shaking pompoms. The record was part of a fundraiser event for breast cancer awareness.

00:25 The Internet

Most People To Simultaneously Say "Break Cancer" Upon Completion Of A Running Event

Lorna Larsen

A total of 20 people simultaneously spoke the words "Break Cancer" upon completing a marathon and half-marathon. They set the record as part of Team Shan Breast Cancer Awareness for Young Women activities during Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Ontario, Canada.

03:09 The Internet

Largest Cancer Ribbon Cake

Jacob Betts

Jacob Betts and theHLUMCRelay For Life team baked a pink cancer awareness ribbon cake measuring eight feet long.

00:9 United States

Fastest Time For Young Adult Cancer Survivors And Their Supporters To Pull An Airplane 15 Feet

Young Adult Oncology Group

Members of the Young Adult Oncology Group pulled a plane 15 feet in 5.19 seconds. They performed this feat to raise money for cancer research.

00:44 Scotland

Most Times Saying "Cancer Sucks" In 15 Seconds

Mairi Weir

Mairi W. said, “Cancer sucks” 25 times in 15 seconds.


Shortest Time To Make An Amputation Joke After Having A Cancer-Related Amputation

Jack Butler

Jack Butler made a joke about his cancer-related amputation 11 days after he’d had his surgery.

01:31 The Internet

Largest Group To Shave Heads In Solidarity With People Battling Cancer

St. Baldrick's

46 “Mommas” shaved their heads in solidarity with kids battling cancer. The group's goal is to raise $1 million dollars for pediatric oncology, and donate it the St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

01:44 The Internet

Most Bandanas Worn At Once

Katie Preston Toepfer

Katie Preston Toepfer wore 110 bandanas on her body at once. The record, set to raise cancer awareness, was set using CanTeen bandanas.

01:39 The Internet

Largest Group To Dance "The Robot" While Wrapped In Christmas Lights

Alanna Iverson

Alanna Iverson and 51 other cyclists danced the robotwhile wrapped in Christmas lights. The participants were a group of cyclists on a long distance bike ride to raise money for cancer research.


Highest Concert Performed In The United States

Chris Carraba

Chris Carraba of Dashboard Confessional performed a concert on top of Pikes Peak Mountain in Colorado at 14,111 feet above sea level. The concert was performed to raise funds for The Love Hope Strength Foundation.

00:15 The Internet

Largest Group To Say "Break Cancer" In Spanish

Katie Hennis

23 people gathered on November 15, 2010 to discuss adolescent and young adult cancer patients and families in and around Portland, Oregon. At the end of the meeting everyone said“Rompe el cancer” at once. The gathering was hosted by the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute Adolescent[] and Young Adult Oncology Program and the External Advisory Committee. The 23rd person to participate in this world record was the cameraman.

01:02 The Internet

Most People To Crush A Can For Cancer

Emily Peterson

Emily Peterson and 32 of her friends each crushed an aluminum can for cancer.

01:17 United States

Largest Group Of People Beating Up Cancer Balloons

Texas 4000

55 members of Texas 4000 each beat up a “cancer balloon.” They set the record as part of LIVESTRONG Young Adult Alliance’s Break Cancer campaign.

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