Most Positive Messages Tweeted To Someone Fighting Cancer In 24 Hours


Berlin, Brandenburg, Germany / May 17, 2011

Twitter users around the world sent a total of 224 tweets to Bena Roberts in a 24-hour period, wishing her good thoughts in her battle against cancer. Roberts, who is fighting breast cancer, had no idea the tweets were coming.

The record was kicked off during a speech by URDB president Dan Rollman at the 2011 Next Conference in Berlin, Germany.

See all tweets sent to @BenaRoberts here.

Read Bena’s blog post about the record here.

- must use KeepStream to track tweets
- participants may tweet more than once
- each tweet must include #breakcancer tag and Twitter handle of person fighting cancer


Tags: mostgroupTwitterYAABreak Cancertweetcancer

  • United States Shari Guft

    It`s interesting!

  • United States Natasha John

    No matter what kind of illness a patient is dealing with, words of love and compassion are like a ray of sunshine with silver lines of hope. It works better than a cure that treats the person's soul. As a medical writer for Nursing Assignment Helpers UK, I can state that when you are fighting cancer and others are praying and wishing you well, you seem more committed to fighting the good fight.

  • The Internet Charlotte Madison

    Words of compassion and affection is like a ray with sunshine and silver lines of hopes for a patient no matter what type of disease he or she is facing off. It is more effective than remedy which heals the soul of that person. As a medical writer from Nursing Essay Writing UK I would say that when you are in a situation battle the cancer, people standing for you with their prayers and wishes, one is seemed more convinced and determined to fight whole heartedly

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