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Longest Vocal Note


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Blackburn, Lancashire, England / June 18, 2009

Michael Kennedy sang a single vocal note that lasted two minutes, 6.43 seconds. He used circular breathing to achieve the feat.

- no audible pauses permitted during duration of note


Tags: musicsinginglengthnotevocaloperatic

  • United States Gerry Littel

    A great piece of music I have ever geometry dash meltdown known.


  • England Michael Kennedy

    This record is now broken here is a link to a longer 1 of mine this is also broken by me and as promised tells how it is done, this will be uploaded when you see the previous 1 here!

  • England Michael Kennedy

    Fuerteventura won in th TV competition and making a paper airoplane that flew the longest

  • by any chance that superstar shirt , did you get that from paraiso in portugal ? as i have the same one :L

  • England Michael Kennedy

    the main problem is the throat dries up as air passes over your vocal chords!

  • England Michael Kennedy

    It is not a perfect vocal line but I am working on it.

  • England Michael Kennedy

    Yes I have beat this many times, I am getting a cam for my birthday then I will upload better 1 and explain how it is done. My retriever called boris destroyed my last cam. This 1 was made with a use of 1 of those flash card recorders.

  • Is that a questionable pause at :17?

  • Michael, this is impressive. Is this your personal best? Do you think you could beat it? If you want to make a video that shows how you do this, URDB would host it for you.

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