Fastest Snake Hand Strike To Hit An Object

The Internet

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Quakertown, Pennsylvania, United States / December 30, 2011

Tyler Bartholomew performed a snake hand strike, hitting an object located one foot away in .30 seconds.


- must be one foot away from the object
- may use any object
- hand must be held in snake position, palm towards floor and fingers extended, throughout strike
- must provide video evidence



Tags: fastesthandobjectsnakestriking

  • United States Norman Breese

    How do you quantify the speed. It looks to me like the result speed is .5 seconds. Is that correct?

  • United States Derrick Clark

    Well, nice job Tyler.I still don't believe my speed is .72.To me that slow! I punch with a 5 pound weight for 5 time in one second.

  • United States Derrick Clark

    This a disappointment! I know my hand speed was like a blur.Your got .72milisecond? I threw 5 punches with a 5 pound weight in 1 second.

  • United States Derrick Clark

    I think I would like to go to Fight Science and challenge a Black Mamba striking speed. .72 seem slow.My behind the back jab can't be faster than this?!

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