Record Broken!

See Current

Slowest Time To Close A Drawer



Cumberland County, Nova Scotia, Canada / December 19, 2012

Doug McManaman took three minutes, 9.75 seconds to close a kitchen drawer.

- drawer must remain in motion during the attempt
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: wildcardslowestkitchenclosingdrawer

  • Chile Hacking101

    10 minutes, he had to have stoppped or pulled back??????????????

  • The Internet squid hat

    my bad bro

  • United States Josh Jones

    Most of the people here who chimed in are moderators and record ambassadors who have to share input on the denial/acceptance/reversal process, squid.

  • The Internet squid hat

    ya'll be trippin' since you're all acting like children over NOTHING!!! the record should go back to me! in just sayin'!!! hahahah jk but stop complaining!

  • United States Josh Jones

    The record has been reverted back to Halk.

  • Chile Hacking101

    Halk clearly cheated and the record should still be held by Jack M. because even though the cameraman didn't watch him the whole time he still never stopped or pulled it back. If Jack M. doesn't hold the record then McManaman should.

  • Canada Doug McManaman

    Once again i must protest this attempt 3 times drawer is pulled back towards Halk at 104 107 and a lot at 124 if they are allowed to do this how would anyone beat the record

  • United States Josh Jones

    Im shocked this was even approved to be honest. When you do a timed record, the camera man keeps the camera on the person performing, and never take it off them. The camera man also keeps ONE EYE on the stop watch. You had taken the camera off the performance there for, it qualifies as not being full video evidence. Im sorry, but this one needs to be reverted.

  • Canada Doug McManaman

    i Think the record is still mine because you both either stopped or pulled the drawer back because i can see u do it on the video record should be reviewed

  • United States SchoolPunk

    I'm Jack M.

    • The Internet HALK

      Hey Jack. Ur kidding me right? That was not in motion! and u pulled the drawer back

    • The Internet HALK

      And ever time ur camera man turned to the stopwatch on the computer. you probably pulled the drawer back . therfore u didnt provide full video evidence

  • Canada Doug McManaman

    Then it is i who will apologize to you . I didnt know who made that remark. I have been with Recordsetter for a few years and have made many records . If its one thing i try to do its to be fair for a record means nothing if we have to cheat to win. I am glad you are interested in making records and i am sure you will have some records in the future Please call on me if i can help.

  • Canada Doug McManaman

    Sorry you feel that way Halk the video is right in front of you and you have the right to try and beat the record,

    • The Internet HALK

      sorry im only 10 and my friend posted that. ANd ur not a cheater congrats on beating this record. ur amazing u killed the record i guess records were meant to end lol great job! :) sorry for all the confussion and again congrats!!!!! :):)

    • United States Josh T.Horton

      Thanks man

  • The Internet HALK


  • The Internet HALK

    Wow! he beat my record lol

  • Canada Dan Rollman


  • The Internet squid hat

    it just has to be a kitchen drawer!

  • United States Nate Tower

    Is the length of the drawer considered here? I'd like to know if all these drawers have equal distance to travel to close.

  • United States Nate Tower

    This takes incredible patience. I would've just slammed it shut after a few seconds.

  • United States Tai Star

    that's painfully slow.. that requires a good amount of concentration to move that slow

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