Record Broken!

See Current

Fastest Signing Of American Sign Language Alphabet By A Hearing Individual

United States


New York City, New York, United States / November 24, 2008

Marina Myler used her lightning quick hands to sign the entire A.S.L. alphabet in just 11.79 seconds, a new universal record.

Myler set the record on November 24, 2008 at the World Record Appreciation Society’s[] first-ever event. She flew in from Los Angeles to attend the event, which took place at Asia Roma, a karaoke bar in New York City. Debbie Hampton and Andrew Greer were present to time and witness the feat.



- must sign the entire ASL alphabet
- record must be performed by a hearing person
- each sign must be performed correctly and individually
- must provide video evidence


Tags: handspeedalphabetsign languageASL

  • The Internet Austin wright

    I can do the alphabet and 1-10 in 7 seconds how do I contact somebody to beat the record?? My name is Austin wright email me at thank you

  • The Internet Kayla G

    Haha I am 12 years old and i am hearing and csn do it in 4 seconds!!!!

  • United States Marty Wormley

    Connor First off, I wasn't lying. Second, I still beat you without even trying. Go ahead and try and beat this, I'll just do it even faster. Mwa ha hah..

  • The Internet Connor Sorensen

    Marty, Good, since I know sign language. I'd like to have someone who doesnt lie about what you have done to ensure that I cheated,

  • United States Marty Wormley

    Connor, I would always accept any challenge that comes my way from somebody who ACTUALLY knows sign language.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    I love this rivalry heating up. Would enjoy seeing more sign language records -- maybe fastest time to spell particular words/phrases, or Most People To Sign The Alphabet At Once.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Connor Our moderation team watches all videos that come in and sometimes adjust measurements. That's what happened in the case of Marty's time.

  • The Internet Connor Sorensen

    Your Record says 4.43 but your timer says 5.

  • The Internet Connor Sorensen

    I actually did not skip any letters,if you check again the letter U and V follows T it just doesnt appear like it because of the crappy frame rate, If you put it in slow-mo you would've noticed this. Consider this a challenge, and it has been accepted

  • United States Marty Wormley

    Yes, I beat and submitted it last night. He did not sign every single letter of the ASL alphabet. At the end, he signed T, and skipped U and V, signed X and then Z. Also, many of the letters were not signed correctly. My submission goes along with me saying the alphabet at the same time to ensure I signed each letter. Also, I played the video in slow motion to make sure each letter was signed. The reason that I know this, is because my parents are deaf and I am fluent in American Sign Language.

  • Canada Dan Rollman

    Marty, can you give specifics? Can you beat it?

  • United States Marty Wormley

    You didn't even sign it correctly!!!

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