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Most Times Saying "It's Better With Butter" While Hopping On One Foot And Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball

United States

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Springfield, Illinois, United States / January 29, 2011

Does not break current record.

- must say the entire phrase audibly, without leaving out words or syllables 
- must be hopping on same foot the entire time
- must continuously bounce a regulation table tennis ball on a regulation paddle
- must hop without external support


Tags: bouncingtable tennis ballhoppingbutterphrase

  • United States Brian Pankey

    Peter you will always be one my favorites you are such a good hearted soul. Keep being a great person you are. Much respect say hi to your family for me!

  • Australia Peter Craig

    I think that's what makes it such a difficult challenge, it becomes more about how long you can hop while multi tasking with the table tennis ball and speaking without loosing breathe... A few techniques and variations in this one that do actually complement each other quite well, but in the end it comes down to how long you can handle the cramp pain of hopping for so long.

  • United States Brian Pankey

    Your right Peter we do look a little ridiculous for our age but it was a fun record. I'm getting to old for hopping around getting a cramp in my ankle. I will try this again soon! I might have to drink a 5 hour energy shot first.

  • Australia Peter Craig

    Sorry Sierra! But that's what they're here for, records are made to be broken :) And look what you get out of the deal: you've made two blokes look like ridiculous fools, well done!

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