Longest "RecordSetter Book Of World Records" Book Domino Chain

The Internet


Boulder, Colorado, United States / November 30, 2011

Malcolm U. made a domino chain using 26 copies of the [RecordSetter Book Of World Records][1] and successfully made the entire chain topple during a stop on the [RecordSetter book][2] tour. [1]: http://recordsetter.com/book [2]: http://recordsetter.com/book

- chain must topple completely
- each book must topple in order
- may only touch first book to begin chain
- must provide video evidence


Tags: longestbookdominoRecordSetter Book of World Recordsdomino chain

  • United States PeteM

    Awesome! I found this coincidental because I recently visited Conifer Colorado and helped introduce two kids to RecordSetter with an XBox 360 domino chain that used 26 games.

  • The Internet Rob Birdsong

    Go Malcolm and John !

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