Most Juggling Club Catches Passing On Slackline With Drop Down From Ladder

United States


Brattleboro, Vermont, United States / January 6, 2016

Tony Duncan completed 23 juggling club catches passing on a slackline with drop down from ladder. He set the record at NECCA's Pre-turbo Juggling Convention.

- must be standing on slackline at least 10 feet from each attachment
- must juggle standard clubs
- must drop juggling club to person on slackline
- person on ground must juggle and throw to person on ladder
- person on slackline must juggle and pass to person on ground
- once juggling begins, all three must be passing one club to the other at the same time without stopping
- must follow form of current world record holder
- must provide video evidence


Tags: mostjugglingcatchjuggling clubslacklineslack rope

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