Highest Score In Mr. Do's Castle

United States


Seattle, Washington, United States / June 1, 2011

Patrick Scott Patterson earned 240,820 points in Mr. Do’s Castle. Patterson performed the feat in the Northwest Pinball and Gameroom Show.

- must show dip switch settings on motherboard
- switches 4 and 8 on Dip Switch
- bank A must be on Switch 3 on
- bank A can be on or off
- all other switches must be off
- must observe RecordSetter video game criteria


Tags: gaminghighestvideo gamescoringarcade gameMr Do Castle

  • United States cora wfalls

    The way the site details the world record is impressive and achieving such a high score requires skill and strategy, just like navigating the suspenseful atmosphere in poppy playtime chapter 3 to reach the top victory.

  • The Internet Alex Teller

    An amazing score at Mr. Do's Castle!

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